Disable JSON files and use Drupal CacheableJsonResponse instead

Created on 6 January 2020, about 5 years ago
Updated 17 April 2023, almost 2 years ago


As the generated JSON files are not Drupal cache aware with either cache tag or cache context, I would like to be able to disable the JSON files cache feature entirely, and use Drupal Cache instead.
There is no option for that currently.

I've made my own code adjustments for being able to do just that.
Also made the necessary config form adjustment, and entity type cache invalidations.

I've added a patch to this issue so you can try it out. It's based on f1e84934bf4a426a55ddba489a6caa707c4c0d1a (8.x-1.x).

Maybe it could be added ?

I also tried to make a merge request in git.drupalcode.org, but it seems like I have to be a project contributer to be able to do that.

Best regards
Flemming Fridthjof

Feature request

Needs review





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It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.

  • 🇩🇪Germany onfire84

    Hi, i updated the patch to work with latest dev. It should also apply now again if you try to use it with 2.1.x

  • 🇩🇪Germany onfire84

    Hi, is there any plan to get this FR someday into the module? Otherwise we might need to update the patch with every new version. For the moment i could stay on 2.1.0 as we stay on D10.

    Let me know if you need help on this.

  • 🇳🇱Netherlands Marty2081

    There are no plans to add this feature to the module. It surpasses the original intent of the module to use files and not bootstrap Drupal for every search.

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