@ itmaybejj, 2.1.21 works. Thank you so much.
lily.yan β created an issue.
lily.yan β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
bibcite-keyword-merge-action-3359457-4.patch works for me. Thank you.
I applied this patch to 2.0.2. It is working and fix the issue. thanks
This patch decorative_image_widget-support-SvgImageWidget-1.0.1.patch works in 1.0.1 for me.
lily.yan β created an issue.
After apply the patch (media_entity_extra-not_consuming_attr_break_multiple_images.patch), then we added two copy blocks with differently sized versions of the same image and they both still took the dimensions from the first one.
Here is a patch.
lily.yan β created an issue.
Here is a patch.
lily.yan β created an issue.
I apply the above patch issue-3380463-validate-pathauto.patch to 8.x-1.0-rc1, it works.
lily.yan β created an issue.
We still can merge keywords successfully if we run from the operations in the table instead.
Step 1: Go to admin/content/bibcite/keyword, select 'Merge' under Operations of 'key2'. It goes to admin/content/bibcite/keyword//merge
Step 2: Select target 'key1', then click 'Merge'. It goes to confirm/cancel page. It shows 'Are you sure you want to merge key2 to key1?', Click 'Confirm'. It shows: 'key2 has been successfully merged and deleted.'
lily.yan β created an issue.
Apply views_block_placement_exposed_form_defaults-3158789-3.patch, if $exposed_filter_values[$exposed_info['value']] is empty, it will throw 'Notice: Undefined index' error in dblog. The new patch can fix this error.
I can confirm that applying patch https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2023-03-16/draggableviews-route-erro... β to draggableviews 2.1.2 can fix the issue.
I can apply patch https://git.drupalcode.org/project/draggableviews/-/merge_requests/18.patch to draggableviews 2.1.2 successfully. It can fix the issue.