I made it today.
teknorah β credited stpaultim β .
stpaultim β created an issue.
stpaultim β created an issue.
tekNorah β credited stpaultim β .
minneapolisdan β credited stpaultim β .
minneapolisdan β credited stpaultim β .
minneapolisdan β credited stpaultim β .
Thanks for hosting.
tekNorah β credited stpaultim β .
seantwalsh β credited stpaultim β .
minneapolisdan β credited stpaultim β .
I worked in the mentored contribution room. Mostly helping tables working on Automatic Update testing and Project Browser.
I thought it was a really good session.
I was there.
So much thanks to you for your contributions to the community and for personally contributing to my own open source/Drupal journey in such a meaningful way. Best wishes to you as you move forward.
I look forward to meeting you again sometime in the future.
volkswagenchick β credited stpaultim β .
A client just reported this problem to us as well. Has anyone had any success with a patch?
I think a regular meeting would be good. I'm not available most days until early afternoon in the Central US Time Zone and flexible into the evening.
stpaultim β created an issue.
volkswagenchick β credited stpaultim β .