Account created on 2 January 2010, over 14 years ago

Recent comments

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

Hello drupalers!
I try to install PECL uploadprogress library on server with Ubuntu 24 and nginx (no apach).

So i run
apt-get install php8.2-uploadprogress

and it write:

NOTICE: You are seeing this message because you have apache2 package installed.
Processing triggers for php8.3-cli ( ...
Processing triggers for libapache2-mod-php8.3 ( ...
Job for apache2.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See "systemctl status apache2.service" and "journalctl -xeu apache2.service" for details.
invoke-rc.d: initscript apache2, action "restart" failed.
× apache2.service - The Apache HTTP Server
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/apache2.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
     Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2024-06-18 17:36:01 MSK; 14ms ago
    Process: 10867 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/apachectl start (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
        CPU: 26ms

Jun 18 17:36:01 systemd[1]: Starting apache2.service - The Apache HTTP Server...
Jun 18 17:36:01 apachectl[10869]: (98)Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
Jun 18 17:36:01 apachectl[10869]: (98)Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address
Jun 18 17:36:01 apachectl[10869]: no listening sockets available, shutting down
Jun 18 17:36:01 apachectl[10869]: AH00015: Unable to open logs
Jun 18 17:36:01 systemd[1]: apache2.service: Control process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Jun 18 17:36:01 systemd[1]: apache2.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Jun 18 17:36:01 systemd[1]: Failed to start apache2.service - The Apache HTTP Server.

whats wrong?

After that in status report i see:

Upload progress Enabled (PECL uploadprogress)

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

Thanx for the patch, but i don't understand: why it shown incorrect time?
I set 2 PM on node, but on calendar I see 10:07 AM (current time).

Steps for reproduce.

Field value on node.

Calendar view

Views format settings

Result with incorrect time.

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

Hello guess.
How can you think its really possible to place exported file in file system?

I choose filename

Change export method to Batch

But nothing happen. This Initializing line doesn't grow.

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

With audacious player its happen in 100%.

But if I visit in one tab to  YuoTube, after that in another tab to - it can hapean to, but not in 100%.

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

Thanks, mortona2k!

"repositories": [{
        "type": "composer",
        "url": ""


"repositories": [{
            "type": "composer",
            "url": ""
            "type": "package",
            "package": {
                "name": "sachinchoolur/lightgallery",
                "version": "1.2.21",
                "type": "drupal-library",
                "source": {
                    "url": "",
                    "type": "git",
                    "reference": "1.2.21"

then command
composer require 'drupal/lightgallery:^1.4'
work properly

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

Hi guess.
Today patch can not be applied.
In current version there is no /src/Controller/SocialAuthController.php file.

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

$("#" + spb_popup_id + " .block-olivero-content-modal").
i think it should be work not only in olivero theme

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

Dublicate? 🐛 Popup is not display when using delay Needs review

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

1. Where
/admin/structure/webform/manage/contact/handlers - every email edit

2. Why
I don't wanna see CKEditor anywhere outside content editing.
Editor make unusable

tags in webform messages body. Also there is no choosing text format for messages text areas.

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

Дякую .

Якщо добавити у профіль покупця поле типу Novaposhta,
то при оформлені пише:
A valid shipping method must be selected in order to check out.
Відділення НП по місто знаходить, одразу з тим пише що не може відправити на адресу.
Або що "Поле Warehouse є обов'язковим" (хоча відділення обране).
Чому так?

Тому я видалив поле з профілю та поставив у налаштуваннях профілю Profiles of this type includes Novaposhta address.

На жаль після вибору відділення пише.
There are no shipping rates available for this address.

Якщо трохи "попинати" поля вводу даних вартість доставки все ж видає. Але до цього не кожна людина додумається.
Що робити?

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

Схоже я трохи поспішив з деферамбами. Чисто технічно патч працює. Тобто вибір Область - місто у наявності. Але будь-які дії з налаштуванням поля Нової пошти призводять до unecpected error. Навіть інсталювання пропатченого модуля пише помилку у журнал.

Тип php

Drupal\Core\Config\UnsupportedDataTypeConfigException: Invalid data type in config commerce_novaposhta.schema, found in file modules/contrib/commerce_novaposhta/config/schema/commerce_novaposhta.schema.yml: yaml_parse(): parsing error encountered during parsing: did not find expected key (line 30, column 5), context while parsing a block mapping (line 24, column 3) in Drupal\Core\Config\FileStorage->read() (line 118 of /var/www/html/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Config/FileStorage.php).

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

dunot, попреше, дякую за цю неймовірну роботу 🤝.
Без патча вибір міста банально вішає браузер.
Взяв на себе сміливість трохи підкорегувати патч.
Сподіваюся автори внесуть цей код до наступнойї версії.

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

Доброго дня.
Наврядчи це все буде хтось читати англійською мовою. Якщо дізнаюся відповідь - можу написати і англійською.

Тож щодо налаштувань модуля.
Якщо вибрати Стандартна ставка - розрахунок оплати йде.

Нажаль вибору відділення або поштомату немає. Або я щось не так роболю.

Якщо вибрати тип тарифа Стандартна ставка ...

...пише There are no shipping rates available for this address.

Що робити?

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

Ok, I find answer.

Need to edit Order type and check Enable shipping for this order type and Checkout flow: Shipping

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

patch #15 applied, but today I don't feel difference.
Google page speed points after patching not changed.

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

In my preview patch admin toolbar shows all menu items while appearing. Problem was with core/modules/toolbar/js/toolbar.anti-flicker.js. So I unset this file.

New pathc for attached.
Patched module for D10 attached to. Permission still not exist but module works. Maybe someone test it?

I don know: leave this

    - core/jquery

or change with dependence from

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

Yes, we have tons of suggestions!

Nobody know about this forum stage exсept Drupal fans.

There is no simple link to this stage on Even on main menu link to /forum was removed.

Today to get here you need to click Community(not clickable) -> About the Community -> Forum (middle of the page) -> Paid Drupal services.

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

What module should I use to obtain Formatter: Rendered entity on views image field?

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

Ok, for example i have display mode for node

and it's work:

But same node on views doesn't have image field zoom. Other modules for image field - works.

Test view:

Image field settings:

Result (no image):

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

Sory it doesn't work.
If i place Rewrite plugin before Exploding - it write:
cURL error 3: (see

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

Thanx, @sarwan_verma !
I make some changes to you code in this files:

  • src/Form/ToolbarThemesSettingsForm.php
  • templates/toolbar-themes--toolbar.html.twig

After patching module work with D10 but:

  • I dont know how to make permission "Configure toolbar themes". Today it loose. Sorry, I have no ideas how to set it I just clickbuilder
  • While appearing admin toolbar shows all menu items.
🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

Sorry, I don't understand how to use Twig variables in wrappers.

I add to XML Items Wrapper
<offer id="{{ nid }}">

but it's dosn't work, result code stiil not catch variable:

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

Yes @abhiyanshu_rawat, you right!

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

Solution referensed from

add function to mytheme.theme

function mytheme_css_alter(&$css, \Drupal\Core\Asset\AttachedAssetsInterface $assets, \Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageInterface $language) {
🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

Theanx, gues! Patch worked,
Maybe someone write how to add CSS class to table in properties window?

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

Thanx, Harlor!
I will test your job.

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

Sory abhiyanshu_rawat, it doesn't work.

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

With 4.0 this containers are customizable in Style settings of every fieldset such as another views fields.
Wood be great if Customize field HTML and Customize field and label wrapper HTML sets to -None-
and Add default classes unchecked for new fieldsets.

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

Thanx Tomy! worked

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

Ok, I install latest dev (how I see with patch).

How to place alt and title values in insert-image.html.twig ?


  set attach = {
    id: id,
    attributes: {
      alt: [
      title: [


  set attach_content = {
    id: id,
    content: ['title'],


{{ attach_content|json_encode() }}

It's doesn't work :(

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

Thanx spinspire gues!
Today it's possible with autocomplete deluxe.

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

How are country and province related? Are these terms from the same vocabulary or from different ones?

With feeds you can easy import terms (or nodes).

So you need 2-3 import:

1. import terms

2. update terms and specify parent terms. State for each province.

If some states and provinces haму have same name - you need to import and update them by ID? not by name. Yes, you can specify ID during import.

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

There only one way to stay drupal-guru: build sites!

Try to build on Drupal what you build in other system.

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

Peolple, please let me know: why there is 2 files for patching? url-redirects-tab-3245137-18.patch and interdiff.txt. I need apply them all?

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

My friend say solution for me:

{% if node.field_logical.value %}


{% if node.field_logical.value == "1" %}
🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

Sory I steel don't understand answer.

Code on screenshot is

{% for  field in fields -%}
    {{ fields.field_image.content }}
{%- endfor %}

It realy possible to use in views-view-field.html.twig ?

So how to obtain alt and title of image?

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

ok, how to check logical field?

if content.field_logical is not empty - doesn't work
if content.field_logical .value == "On" - doesn't work

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

Ok, I find sollution.

For using constructions like:

<div>{{ alt }}</div>
<div>{{ title }}</div>

must be used 8.x-1.0 version of insert

So in ADMIN_THEME/templates/insert-image.html.twig code should be like


yes, without {{ }}

but if image without title inserted value would be:
<div>TITLE OF IMAGE</div>
let's fix that.

In js/FileInserter.js function _cleanupPlaceholders: function(template) should be changed to:

       * @param {string} template
       * @return {string}
      _cleanupPlaceholders: function(template) {
        // Cleanup unused tags.
        template = template.replace(/<[a-z]+>__[a-z]+__<\/[a-z]+>/g, '');

        // Cleanup unused replacements.
        template = template.replace(/"__([a-z0-9_]+)__"/g, '""');

        // Cleanup empty attributes (other than alt).
        template = template.replace(/([a-z]+)[ ]*=[ ]*""[ ]?/g, function(match, tagName) {
          return (tagName === 'alt') ? match : '';

        template = template.replace(/[ ]?>/g, '>');

        return template;

patch attached.

🇺🇦Ukraine VasyOK

Drupal 9.5.
[For me] Today pathces are not needed for use with Autocomplite (Tags style) widget. Even if linked entites contain brackets.
But with popular_tags module (mb with some others) patch #18 is necessary.

Production build 0.69.0 2024