I got the issue, and the real problem is with entityProcessorManager
That name is not correct, it should be entityProcessorPluginManager
This one comes from the constructor created on those lines, i have created a patch and it worked, let me knwo if this helps.
I can confirm this is not working on Drupal 10.3.9 the href link is not being translating, looks like the decoupled alter function is not taking effect anymore, maybe it has been removed since its on core? Migrated from Drupal 9
I can experience this issue on Drupal 10.2.6 with Conditional Fields 4.x dev
Patch apply does not work:
https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2024-02-21/2902164-159.patch →
(Conditional Fields)
Could not apply patch! Skipping. The error was: Cannot apply patch
https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2024-02-21/2902164-159.patch →
Added a rule inside Paragraph bundle in /admin/structure/conditional_fields/paragraph/my_paragraph
This module has json api exposed? Is there any link inside drupal?
This issue is still present on Drupal 10.
#3 worked for me, first you need to add a cluster on admin/config/search/elasticsearch-connector/cluster/add then it will appear on the admin page.
Patch #8 worked for us, we had to edit the yaml to get it working, pathautho was the problem.
Patch #11 worked for us, Drupal 10.1.2
I can confirm patch works on Drupal 10.1 with updated module via composer.
I can confirm this issue still exists on Drupal 10.1 i got fixed by adding this to the .theme file instead of creating a new page inc
function THEME_page_attachments_alter(&$variables) {
if(\Drupal::currentUser()->isAnonymous()) {
$variables['#attached']['html_head'] = array_filter($variables['#attached']['html_head'], function($item) {
return $item[1] !== 'anti_flicker_js';