- Issue created by @vishal.deshmukh
Taxonomy term with child items are not getting exported, getting 500 error. I have checked log I am getting 500 error
Error: Typed property Drupal\content_synchronizer\Processors\Entity\EntityProcessorBase::$entityProcessorManager must not be accessed before initialization in Drupal\content_synchronizer\Processors\Entity\EntityProcessorBase->getEntityProcessorManager() (line 669 of C:\xampp\htdocs\navidapro\web\modules\contrib\content_synchronizer\src\Processors\Entity\EntityProcessorBase.php).
1) Create Taxonomy vocabulary
2) Add taxonomy terms with parent & child items
3) Edit taxonomy vocabulary and at click on Export all entities of bundle
4) Click Export Entities
When I have searched and found there is issue on EntityProcessorBase.php file.
The EntityProcessorPluginManager entity processor manager service. is declaring variable twice & at line number 668,
protected function getEntityProcessorManager() {
return $this->entityProcessorManager;
We are using $entityProcessorManager variable which is not initialized, we need to remove the duplicated variables
it is declared at line number 71 & 134. it will solve the error.
Needs work