@miksha Thanks 😊
> Do we still need to support Drupal 9 (from info.yml)?
Yes, we should. Like we have it still on OG
Thanks 😊
Thanks, guys. Moving to another module is a great idea.
> Note that Group module is doing something similar by relying on flexible_permissions module (which is now added in core as Access Policy API)
It may not fit into OG access, which has a field to determine if it's private or public (and write a record into the node grants system). But it can likely be used in OG core, where we do some heavy lifting to decide if a user has access. In fact, some years ago, as we prepared for this blog post @kristiaanvandeneynde has mentioned he had plans to get this functionality out of Group. We also said it would be nice for both Group and OG to rely on it. Ideally, reducing both of the module's own code.
@miksha, you can use https://drupal-mrn.dev/ to create release notes
I've also granted your maintainer rights, so you could create releases
Thanks, can you please create an MR? It's easier to review :) And you can always use the `.diff` from the MR in your composer.json
@claudiu.cristea thanks!
Thanks folks. Would anyone be willing to add a test to the MR?
Thank you 🙏
Done, I've added a note on the README on GH, and archived the repo (see image)
joelpittet → credited amitaibu → .
Cool, thanks.
Wow, happy to see people still using the module. Open source ❤️
Thanks folks, commited. I'll create a new branch next week
Alright, fair enough. Thank you for doing it!
@klausi Oye. I didn't know one could not re-enable support. Maybe if we contacted Admin there, it would be possible? I think that having to fork isn't get for the community.
@bluegeek9 you now have the maintainer super powers ✌️. Thank you
Thanks, please create this as a PR on Gitlab.
Baysaa → credited amitaibu → .
amitaibu → created an issue.
amitaibu → created an issue.