Account created on 14 July 2009, almost 15 years ago

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🇧🇪Belgium nonom Brussels

Thanks @Nelo_Drup, I'll check it and update the documentation.

🇧🇪Belgium nonom Brussels

Fixed in both branches 3.x and 4.x. Please test.

🇧🇪Belgium nonom Brussels

Works for me, and the service is defined in

    class: Drupal\mobile_detect\Cache\Context\DeviceTypeCacheContext
    arguments: ["@mobile_detect"]
      - { name: cache.context }

Could you try to refresh the cache and let me know.

🇧🇪Belgium nonom Brussels

I tried to reproduce your problem and I was waiting any other feedback, please try the latest release and let me know if you still having the same issue.

🇧🇪Belgium nonom Brussels

I started the new 4.x branch, thanks!
Please check 📌 Update mobiledetectlib dependency Needs review

🇧🇪Belgium nonom Brussels

Fixed in 3.0.5. Thanks!

🇧🇪Belgium nonom Brussels

We are moving to Drupal 10 with full support for 8.1.20+

🇧🇪Belgium nonom Brussels

I tried a few times and I cannot reproduce the error. It works for me.

If the problem persists please feel free to reopen this issue.

🇧🇪Belgium nonom Brussels

It needs to be installed with composer to download the library into the /vendor folder.

🇧🇪Belgium nonom Brussels

Please be sure downloading the mobiledetect library using composer to avoid any problem.

🇧🇪Belgium nonom Brussels

Thanks for contrib. +1

🇧🇪Belgium nonom Brussels

My issue was generating the Cookies from Varnish, related with #2884028: Problem with cookies

From the Legal module README

Add Legal module's cookies to the Varnish whitelist. 
🇧🇪Belgium nonom Brussels

Thanks #1

It's probably affecting to any comparision so I did a quick patch (needs work) If anyone have the same issue like me trying fire the proper state at page load with a given condition.

On my case a field should be visible or not visible depending the chosen value from a multiselect. But loading the page doesn't fire the proper state. Actually only works for me with single selects, but not for complex multi selects. So the comparators have sense to be added earlier.

Patch attached as proof of concept.

🇧🇪Belgium nonom Brussels

The proposed solution works for me.

🇧🇪Belgium nonom Brussels

In Drupal 8+ you can try the following:

$md = \Drupal::service('mobile_detect');
🇧🇪Belgium nonom Brussels

I was debugging #3 because wasn't working for me. It seems the value to fill was in e.effect.options.fill instead e.effect.fill.

Once replaced the e.effect.fill references by e.effect.options.fill it worked.

Thanks, patch attached.

🇧🇪Belgium nonom Brussels

I'm having also this issue.

🇧🇪Belgium nonom Brussels

The issue persists in Drupal 10.1.0 for a multilingual profile installation.

🇧🇪Belgium nonom Brussels

Reopening I thought was merged.

🇧🇪Belgium nonom Brussels

It's done.
The bot only parses one time on each major release.
In example D11.

🇧🇪Belgium nonom Brussels

Hi @kazah we haven't already an alpha release but a dev branch.

We are working testing on huge sites and trying to get the best approach for this, I guess it will be released soon (tm) ;-)

Contributions are always welcome!

🇧🇪Belgium nonom Brussels

The branch 8.x1.x-dev still in development,

It will be released for ^8 || ^9 || ^10 as soon as possible.

🇧🇪Belgium nonom Brussels

I did a full review over the options

- Boost Path Cacheability Settings
If I hide the following page:

Still being generated but not served which is good.

- The count pages doesn't works for me but not a big issue at all.
- The Purge is working from my side.
- The Generate all pages probably is not fulling working, get in mind the feedback messages which aren't clear at all.
- I did not tested the XML sitemap options there are many settings features involved on this branch.

By other side,

The multilingual seems working but seems not working fully caching pages without the multilingual feature.

I think we have many options to test so an alpha version could help to start contributing on.

By other side thanks for the full classes documentation they looks so fine :)

@C-Logemann Could I work on the same branch ?

🇧🇪Belgium nonom Brussels

That are good news!, back to review!

Just a suggestion. I've noticed the site is in maintenance mode generating all the URLs in the batch proccess. Maybe we would like to avoid this; because if it fails, the site still in maintenance.

🇧🇪Belgium nonom Brussels

Enabling the module via drush I'm getttng this error:

In CheckExceptionOnInvalidReferenceBehaviorPass.php line 86:
  The service "boost.command" has a dependency on a non-existent service "".
🇧🇪Belgium nonom Brussels

I'm experiencing the same issue here.

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