Fix merge conflict
csakiistvan β changed the visibility of the branch 3488327-use-css-variables to hidden.
csakiistvan β created an issue.
csakiistvan β created an issue.
it is working, thanks
Tested and reviewed, looks nice. Thanks flo909 π Fix link to sample config Fixed
csakiistvan β created an issue.
csakiistvan β created an issue.
#31 Works well, thanks
csakiistvan β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
Work smoothly, thanks for the MR
It is working for me, thanks for the support.
It is working for me, thanks for this change.
@renukakulkarni for me this patch is is very nice, but the link field will mandatory on the form display (but my field is not mandatory on the field settings.)
I attached a patch for the current dev code, please @zcht test it
I think It looks like a new feature request. Should I create a new issue for this?
I attached the updated patch
There is my patch, based on masterperoo's suggestion.
@cobenash do you mean the tailwindcss theme should be move to the themes/custom folder right? There is a vendor-dir option in the composer, we should use this for that
"name": "drupal/tailwindcss",
"type": "drupal-theme",
"description": "A starter kit theme for Drupal 8/9 and Tailwind CSS.",
"homepage": "",
"license": "GPL-2.0+",
"require": {
"drupal/stable": ">=2.0.0"
"config": {
"vendor-dir": "../../custom/tailwindcss"
Yes, you are right. I misunderstood the task, I am on it.
After the changes the lint errors are gone, thanks Erik.
The Readme update is on an another issue β¨ Update the README to document recent changes. Needs review . The composer is a good idea, we should create a new issue for this. What do you think cobenash?
Thank you apaderno for the feedback. I updated the patch and it is modify only the topic of this issue.
There is the updated based on #12 comments too.
I fixed the D10 compatibility issue too.
csakiistvan β created an issue.
Works well