Account created on 12 February 2009, almost 16 years ago
  • Drupal Addict at Moove 

Recent comments

🇧🇪Belgium jbfelix

As workaround i added this in the head section of html.html.twig template in my subtheme:

{% if logged_in %}
    {% else %}
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    {% endif %}

Maybe not clean but it's working...

🇧🇪Belgium jbfelix

It works, thanks
Is it possible to provide an option to export every x hours and every x minutes ?

🇧🇪Belgium jbfelix

I can't wait to see the result, can you let us know when it's published?
Well done for all the work you've already done

🇧🇪Belgium jbfelix


I have installed the 2.0.x-dev but no option appears for ajax refresh
in which version is it committed ?

Thanks in advance

🇧🇪Belgium jbfelix

If everything is ok for Drupal 10, could you make it available ?

🇧🇪Belgium jbfelix

The issue is resolved for me.
It was due to the "taxonomy_machine_name" module.
This patch is working: 📌 Do not add machine name when name field is set to hidden Fixed

🇧🇪Belgium jbfelix

The issue is resolved when i disable "Aggregate JavaScript files" in /admin/config/development/performance

🇧🇪Belgium jbfelix

Then when i want to remove the uploaded image i get this error:

/widget/0&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax: n.$form.ajaxSubmit is not a function

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