nicxvan β credited drupalninja99 β .
drupalninja99 β created an issue.
The content looks like it exports correctly but then I get this error on import:
In SectionData.php line 35:
Value assigned to "section" is not a valid section
I think the function is here in core/modules/layout_builder/src/Plugin/DataType/SectionData.php:
public function setValue($value, $notify = TRUE) {
if ($value && !$value instanceof Section) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Value assigned to "%s" is not a valid section', $this->getName()));
parent::setValue($value, $notify);
$value is coming in as an array not instanceof Section.
Bleh sorry posted to the wrong issue ignore me
The content looks like it exports correctly but then I get this error on import:
In SectionData.php line 35:
Value assigned to "section" is not a valid section
I think the function is here in core/modules/layout_builder/src/Plugin/DataType/SectionData.php:
public function setValue($value, $notify = TRUE) {
if ($value && !$value instanceof Section) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Value assigned to "%s" is not a valid section', $this->getName()));
parent::setValue($value, $notify);
$value is coming in as an array not instanceof Section
Attach a patch that is a re-roll of #30 to latest 10.3.x (ie 10.3.5). This applied for me correctly, but note it does not include the workspaces patch.
This resolves the issue for me.
drupalninja99 β created an issue.
drupalninja99 β created an issue.
Duplicate of β¨ Add a Normalizer and Denormalizer to support Layout Builder RTBC
drupalninja99 β created an issue.
FYI the only way I got mine to work was using drush tome:static with --path-count=1 as suggested in this thread.
Actually I realize that this was a 1x issue that doesn't exist in 2.x so I am good.
I get the same error - where are you supposed to configure bundles?
I am attaching a small patch that resolves the error I am getting in ViewsReferenceFieldFormatter.php.
When I tried to apply #26 to the latest 2x dev, composer just hangs or says it can't apply the patch.
I have the same issue clean d10 install with just this module installed and Claro as the admin theme.
I am still having this issue in D10
We probably need something more robust at some point but for now I changed the color to affect the border:
What browser are you seeing this in? I haven't seen this issue in Chrome on Mac.
@BEGRAFX can you compare what you were doing with
That is a composer project that you can run locally by running ddev start and ./scripts/ You can either clone the project or at least compare with what you were doing and let me know what is different.
@BEGRAFX are you following the Gitbook documentation here?
The main thing is are you installing openchurch_core first? I probably need your exact steps from beginning to end to help identify the problem,t hanks!
Sorry I missed this earlier.
Go to /admin/structure/block/block-content, this has all of your content blocks.
Then edit the "Homepage Hero Video" block
@Damien et al, is there any reason why we can't get this patch committed?
Agreed this is a major blocker
Merged, ya'll are killing it!
I also want to link to the OpenChurch Gitbook from the README which has full details:
This has been updated now, I don't think we need a new maintainer
drupalninja99 β created an issue.
A shot in the dark but I liked the array_values() addition that was questioned in #128. This makes it much easier to query component data from GraphQL. Adding to the layout_builder-rebase_drupal_9_3_x-2942975-159.patch so that you can see what it looks like in comparison.
After quite a bit of work/testing I found the solution I needed in project jsonapi_include_lb.
I have the same issue cited in π [PP-1] Expose Layout Builder data to REST and JSON:API Postponed and other places where I can't fetch inline block data from JSON:API like I would say paragraphs. Those JSON:API endpoints only include reusable blocks and the patch from this thread does not include all the block fields in layout_builder__layout. That means I am unable to get all the block data I need on the frontend.
I am confused why we went away from this approach which return components as an array of objects: β
This is much more useful in Gatsby. I saw at some point that change went away back to a nested object.