Created on 4 May 2023, almost 2 years ago
Updated 10 May 2023, almost 2 years ago

I've installed the theme, and set it as default. It comes up and displays, but it shows differently than the "demo" screenshot shows. I'm not getting any of the Hero section content. When I've gone into the Block Layout screen, and look at the configuration for the "Homepage Hero" block, I see error messages. Under "Block Description" it says "Broken/Missing" and just below the toggle switch for the title, it says, "This block is broken or missing. You may be missing content or you might need to enable the original module." I have tried uninstalling, removing, and reinstalling the theme, that doesn't change anything. Should I try removing and replacing the OpenChurch CORE module?

πŸ› Bug report






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πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States BEGRAFX Laconia, New Hampshire

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  • Issue created by @BEGRAFX
  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States BEGRAFX Laconia, New Hampshire

    I'm seeing this on everything in the Hero section, and everything in the Content Above section.

  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States drupalninja99

    @BEGRAFX are you following the Gitbook documentation here?

    The main thing is are you installing openchurch_core first? I probably need your exact steps from beginning to end to help identify the problem,t hanks!

  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States BEGRAFX Laconia, New Hampshire

    @drupalninja99 - Hi Jay,

    I followed the instructions in, which says to install the core module first and then the theme. I did not use the instructions in the link you share, as I work through composer, so while it was installed 3 months or so ago, I'm pretty sure I would have used a basic composer require drupal/openchurch_core command. I just ran a composer update as I am writing this, and I notice that it updated core to 3.0.0 alpha 3 and theme to 3.0.0 alpha 5. After the update, I checked and still see the same error messages. As I say, I have attempted removing and reinstalling the theme, but that doesn't seem to make a difference. Should I try removing and reinstalling core? I presume that I would have to remove the theme first, and then remove core, and then reinstall core and then theme? Figure I'll ask about that, before I get too far ahead of things.

  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States BEGRAFX Laconia, New Hampshire

    The OpenChurch theme works, however, I see that same "broken block" message at the top where the hero sections should be. (see attached screenshot). Looking at the example screenshot you provide for the theme ( β†’ ) as you can make out in my screenshot, the default Open Church logo shows up, as well as the nav bar (though it's a white text on white background, until I mouseover something). The three sections throwing the errors, I presume match up with the top three sections. The "Latest Articles" section shows up, the "Homepage Bible Verse" section is throwing that same error, and likewise with the Gallery section. (for the record, I haven't populated the Bible verse, nor the gallery section). The Newsletter subscription and footer sections are displaying fine.

  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States drupalninja99

    @BEGRAFX can you compare what you were doing with

    That is a composer project that you can run locally by running ddev start and ./scripts/ You can either clone the project or at least compare with what you were doing and let me know what is different.

  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States BEGRAFX Laconia, New Hampshire

    I'll check it out and let you know.

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