Account created on 9 April 2024, 11 months ago

Merge Requests


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🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026


I have fixed issues to make the 'Webform User Registration' module compatible with Drupal 11 and created a patch. Attached are screenshots for reference. Thank you!

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026


I have applied the above patch and created a MR. The attached screenshot is for reference. Please review it at your earliest convenience.

Thank you!

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

rajan kumar@2026 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026


I have created a patch for the Drupal 11 release. The attached screenshot is for reference. Thank you!

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026


I have fixed the Search API Meilisearch D11 compatibility and created a MR. Please review it at your earliest convenience. I've also attached a screenshot for reference. Thank you!

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

rajan kumar@2026 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026


I have fixed the Panelizer for Drupal 11 compatibility and created a patch, as attached, for your reference. Please review it at your earliest convenience. Thank you.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026


I have fixed the issue with Drupal 11 support and created a patch. I have attached a screenshot for reference. Thank you !

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026


I have fixed the issue for Drupal 10 compatibility and created a patch, as attached for reference. Thank you!

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026


The above patch did not work, and I have attached a screenshot for reference, so I created an MR. Thank you.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

rajan kumar@2026 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

I have created a patch for the issue of Drupal 11 compatibility. Attached are screenshots for reference. Please review it at your earliest convenience. Thank you.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026


I have fixed the Drupal 11 compatibility and created a patch. Here is the attached screenshot for reference. Thank you

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

rajan kumar@2026 changed the visibility of the branch 3473008-Drupal-11-compatibility to active.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

rajan kumar@2026 changed the visibility of the branch 3473008-Drupal-11-compatibility to hidden.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

Hi @vtamasc

I have successfully applied patch #2 and created an MR. I have also attached a screenshot for reference. Please review it at your earliest convenience. Thank you!

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

Hi @vtamasc

I successfully applied the above patch, created an MR, and attached a screenshot for reference. Please review it when you have a chance. Thanks!"

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

Hi @afarsal

I have fixed the issue and created a patch related to the theme release for Drupal 10/11. Attached is a screenshot for reference. Thank you!

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026


I have tested MR!58 in the local environment using the Drupal Upgrade Status module. RabbitMQ modules are now supported in Drupal 11.0. Attached is a screenshot for reference. Thank you!

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

Hello @emptyvoid

In this branch, the Drupal 11 compatibility is already present in 3470767-drupal-11-compliance. A version.1.1.1 branch will need to be created. Thank you.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

rajan kumar@2026 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026


I created a branch named 3471066-drupal-11-compatibility-readiness(1.0.0) and fixed the issue to ensure compatibility with Drupal 11. I have created a merge request (MR) and attached it for your reference. Thank you.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

rajan kumar@2026 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

Hello @chris matthews

I saw the issue that reporter @naveenvalecha raised regarding 'Drupal 11 compatibility fixes for sendgrid_integration.' I checked the issue using the Drupal Upgrade Status module, fixed it, and raised a merge request. Thank you.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

Hello @mattbloomfield

I have applied the above patch successfully for Drupal 11 Compatibility, fixed the issue, and created a MR. Please review it at your earliest convenience. Attached are the screenshots for reference. Thank you!

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

Hi @mattbloomfield

I have applied the above patch successfully and created an MR. Please review it at your earliest convenience. Attached are the screenshots for reference. Thank you!

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

rajan kumar@2026 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

Hi @Kanchan Bhogade

reproduce issue do bellow

Install the Scheduler module and enable it to add multiple taxonomy vocabularies. Thanks.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

Hi @chris matthews

I have fixed Drupal 11 compatibility for version 3.0.x and created a patch. Attached are screenshots for reference. Thank you!

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

Hi @tomthorp

I have created a patch for Drupal 11 compatibility now. Thank you.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

Hi @emptyvoid

I have applied the above patch successfully and created a (MR). I tested it in the local environment and also checked the Drupal Upgrade Status module for compatibility with Drupal 11. A screenshot is attached for reference. Thank you.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

rajan kumar@2026 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

Hi @emptyvoid

I have applied the patch mentioned above, but it failed. I have fixed the Drupal 11 compliance issues and created a (MR). Please find the attached screenshot for reference. Thank you.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

rajan kumar@2026 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

Hi @flyke

I have fixed the issue of compatible with Drupal 11 created MR and also tested on drupal upgrade status module hare attached ss for refrence. Thank you !!

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

rajan kumar@2026 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

I have reviewed and tested above MR!2 compatible with D-11 on local en vironment on Drupal upgrade status moduel scanned repport green attached ss for refrence Thank you!!

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

Hi @flyke

I have fixed the issue and created a patch. Here is the screenshot for reference. Please review it at your earliest convenience. Thank you!

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

rajan kumar@2026 changed the visibility of the branch drupal11-compatibility to active.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

rajan kumar@2026 changed the visibility of the branch drupal11-compatibility to hidden.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

Hi @saschaeggi @ mark shi

I have successfully applied patch #2, fixed the issues, and created a merge request. Please review it at your earliest convenience. Attached are screenshots for reference. Thank you.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

Hi @aaron.ferris

I have created a patch and tested regarding with D11 compatibility on local upgrade status module attached ss for refrence. Thank You.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

Hi @yivanov

I have applied the patch mentioned above#2 . Thank you.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

Rajan Kumar@2026 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

I have successfully tested MR!15 in a local environment with Drupal 11 support. Please see the attached screenshots for reference. Thank you."

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

Hi @mark_fullmer

I have fixed the issue to create a Drupal 11-compatible release and have created a MR. Please see the attached screenshot for reference. Thank you.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

I have tested the module locally and scanned it using the Upgrade Status module to confirm its compatibility with Drupal 10.
Thank you.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

I tested it on my local environment. It looks like this; see the attached screenshot for reference. Thank you!

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

Hi @grevil

I have fixed the Drupal 11 compatibility issue and created a MR. I’ve attached a screenshot for reference. Thank you!

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026


I have updated the core_version_requirement with Drupal-11 and created a patch. Thank you!

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

To address the compatibility issues with Support Drush 12 and above only, please update your composer.json file with the following changes.

"require-dev": {
"drupal/pathauto": "dev-1.x",
"drush/drush": " ^12 || ^13"

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

Hi @ gpo

I have fixed the Drush 13 compatibility issue and created a MR. Please review it at your earliest convenience. Thank you!

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

Rajan Kumar@2026 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

Hi @opdavies

I’ve added Drupal 11 support and created a MR. See the screenshot for reference. Thanks You!

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

Hi @aren3k

I have checked the Drush upgrade status, and 'Menu Trail By Path' is already compatible with Drupal 11. I have attached a screenshot for reference. Thank you!

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

Hi @VladimirAus

I scanned the 'Webform Bootstrap5' module using Upgrade Status and found some issues. I have fixed them and created a MR. Please review it at your earliest convenience. Thank you.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

Hi @smustgrave

I have fixed the issue for Drupal 11 compatibility and created a patch. Please see the attached screenshot for reference. Thank you.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

I have reviewed MR!4, and it is compatible with Drupal 11. For reference, I have attached a screenshot. Thank you.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

Hi @mohammedodeh

I have applied the above patch #2 and created a merge request (MR). Thank you.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

Hi @jonnytoomey

I have reviewed the code and checked the Drupal upgrade status module. The issues have been addressed and fixed. I have created a merge request (MR), and I have attached screenshots for reference. Thank you.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

Rajan Kumar@2026 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

📌 | Warmer | Drush 13
🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

Hi @duckydan

I have fixed the issue and created a patch. Thank you.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

Hi @ytsurk

I have made it compatible with Drupal 11 and created a patch. Thank you.

🇮🇳India Rajan Kumar@2026

I have reviewed comment #3 regarding the issue 'Add compatibility with Drupal >11.' Attached are the screenshots for reference. Thank you.

Production build 0.71.5 2024