Account created on 7 August 2023, 11 months ago
  • Junior developer at MaetvaΒ 

Recent comments

No worries. I fixed my patch and added the


you were asking. I also switched hook_field_widget_WIDGET_TYPE_form_alter() to hook_field_widget_single_element_WIDGET_TYPE_form_alter (Thanks to your link β†’ ). Tell me if there is still stuff that needs to be worked on.

I apologize for not noticing I forgot a pipe in the core_version_requirement line. Here is a fix to this patch adding a pipe, and also an


in the commerce_chronopost_cron() function available in commerce_chronopost.module.

I've also made a merge request, I am going to put this on "need review", if you validate it then you can merge as well.

I've removed the line duplication in src/Entity/Review.php (line. 336) as can be seen on this commit:

I've updated the patch so that it works with all the module's php unit tests.
All tests ran successfully with my updated patch, and the module also seems to work perfectly with Guest Suits activated.

I kept the lines: ->setLabel(t('Status')) and ->setDefaultValue(TRUE) as they cause an error in the unit tests when removed (Even though it doesn't seem to cause any trouble when browsing or using the module through Drupal's web interface).

Everything seems to be fine now, I also made sure to deprecate isEnabled() in favour of isPublished(), but tell me if I forgot to change small details.

Forgot to remove some calls to "isEnabled", I'm sorry. Here's a new patch

@NicolasGraph here's an updated version of my patch that uses isPublished() instead of isEnabled(). I also reverted the changes I made for some of the "status" field settings.

Same patch, but deleting useless parts instead of commenting.

Here's a patch to add the "EntityPublishedInterface" interface to the "Review" entity of the module.

Production build 0.69.0 2024