🇪🇨Ecuador @LeonelEnriquez98

Account created on 12 June 2023, over 1 year ago

Recent comments

🇪🇨Ecuador LeonelEnriquez98

I rerolled the patch #4 Compatibility with Linkit 6 Needs work to be compatible with version 8.x-2.3

🇪🇨Ecuador LeonelEnriquez98

I rerolled the patch to be compatible with version 8.x-2.3

🇪🇨Ecuador LeonelEnriquez98

To address this issue, I decided to add a new option in the settings form to allow using the default robots.txt file from Drupal Core

🇪🇨Ecuador LeonelEnriquez98

I rerolled the patch to be compatible with the version 2.1.0

🇪🇨Ecuador LeonelEnriquez98

@jennine Your patch seems to be working fine. Thanks!

🇪🇨Ecuador LeonelEnriquez98

@ferminaguilar I could reproduce that error. It was related to the timestamp variable. So here I leave the new patch.

🇪🇨Ecuador LeonelEnriquez98

Adding a patch for the 10.2.x branch

🇪🇨Ecuador LeonelEnriquez98

The patch in comment #3 cannot be applied in version 1.1, so I updated the patch to be able to use it in the aforementioned version.

🇪🇨Ecuador LeonelEnriquez98

I updated the patch that @geekygnr left in comment #25 to be compatible with the latest version 5.1.13

🇪🇨Ecuador LeonelEnriquez98

I created a new patch to be compatible with the version ^2.0.1

Production build 0.71.5 2024