Account created on 13 April 2023, over 1 year ago

Recent comments

Found it, no need anymore, I didn't found how to close this request.

Hello Guys,
I cannot test it. can help me ?
I get this error Error: Class "Drupal\media_entity_usage\Service\MediaUsageInfo" not found in Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->createService()

Same here...
error: No access to execute Unpublish content on the Content

Nothing in console.

Is continuously make the get request to get percentage and always response is :

I have the same problem, but not like yours, I mean progress bar is stuck on the start, and my upload button is a input with type="submit"

In my case I have Administrator, 2 limited roles and another limited administrator(limited admin don't have access to all permissions)

I wanted to let the limited admin to create users but I won't let him to be able to edit/create anything on roles or set Administrator without limitation role to a user.

This helped me :

Worked exactly for what I needed.

Here is the README.txt :

First I wasn't able to make it work because I gived the user permission " Administer users " !!! Don't need to do that will be assigned from the module but with limitations !!!

I hope this helped you.

Have a nice day!

Subscribing - also need for 9.x | 10.x

Just used it on Drupal 9.5.11 with a lot of module and custom module installed and works fine.
Try with a clean install, maybe you have a module or something which broke it.

Cool, Cool.
Can you please reply to this post when this feature is added?
Thank you very much !

Yes, I have this too.. everything is fine.
Only on this Password Policy module got problems with the link from mail..
I only added the $base_url in settings.local.php which is included in settings.php and solved.
So.. yes, maybe the module still need this global variable.

For me this worked on staging and prod environment.
Hope this solve for you too, check and test it.

Hello Guys again, I fixed this one.
Needed to add in settings.php the domain $base_url = "";

Same here, on localhost working, but on staging enviroment no, I get the same http://default/...

maybe is not compatible with drupal 9?
I see in the docs only about drupal 5,6 or 7

sorry but where i find the patch exactly? this diff file ?

this is exactly what I need now..
Create user if not exist, if exist update it :)
I think this was not added right?

sure this is a fix? didn't should be a cofigure form ?
I'm not sure but I think the route was good, but is missing the file with the class.. I don't know.
Sorry if I'm wrong, but I still can't use it after removed the route, I cannot find any configuration, any HMAC path...

Don't understands... maybe because of Drupal or php?
Drupal 9.5.3 and php 8.1.16

Don't understand.. can't make it work.
I have drupal 9.5.3
and php 8.1.16

I get when I access "admin/config/content/nodeviewcount"
Drupal 9.5.3
Php 8.1.16

I have drupal 9.5.3 and php 8.1.16
I get this :

 The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.
TypeError: Drupal\nodeviewcount\Form\NodeViewCountSettingsForm::getRoleNamesOptions(): Argument #1 ($excluded_user_roles) must be of type array, null given, called in /var/www/html/web/modules/contrib/nodeviewcount/src/Form/NodeViewCountSettingsForm.php on line 123 in Drupal\nodeviewcount\Form\NodeViewCountSettingsForm->getRoleNamesOptions() (line 206 of modules/contrib/nodeviewcount/src/Form/NodeViewCountSettingsForm.php). 

when i go to /admin/config/content/nodeviewcount

I still have this problem, how should i fix it and make module works ?

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