Account created on 31 March 2023, almost 2 years ago

Recent comments

I did run the tests and all went well.

Added a weight to the condition and tested the system. Check the code, please.

Maybe later adjust the if πŸ“Œ Make the slot_id required Active get's worked on.

gashunk β†’ made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

Did run phpcs and had some minor code issues fixed by myself and phpcbf.

Add the SVG for the field type and added it to the library etc.

gashunk β†’ made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

Did work, but I got this error message:

Warning: Undefined array key "value" in Drupal\slots\Plugin\Field\FieldWidget\SlotsWidget->extractFormValues() (line 52 of modules/contrib/slots/src/Plugin/Field/FieldWidget/SlotsWidget.php).

I did run PHPCS and fixed some format issues.

I did a reroll against current 1.0.x. Take a look at the MR, please.

Did some adjustments and added a array length check.

I changed the code according to the requests. Tell me if anything is missing or not right, please.

I created a mergerequest with most of the issues fixed.

I added multiple methods for the plural and adjusted code for the singular version. The README also got some adjustments, so has the documentation.

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