sanket.addweb โ created an issue.
Thanks @silviaddweb,
Except for the error mentioned in #10, all errors reported by the Upgrade Status module have been resolved. Therefore, I'm moving this to RTBC.
I have tested the MR and checked compatibility using the Upgrade Status module. I found one error in ContentEntityDeleteForm
. I have attached screenshots for reference.
I have tested phpcs issue, some error is still remaining.
53 | ERROR | Missing parameter type
57 | ERROR | Missing parameter type
Time: 387ms; Memory: 14MB
Thank you to all the contributors! MR has been merged.
sanket.addweb โ created an issue.
Merged to 1.0.x
sanket.addweb โ created an issue.
sanket.addweb โ made their first commit to this issueโs fork.
sanket.addweb โ created an issue.
sanket.addweb โ changed the visibility of the branch 3299976-implement-hookhelp-for to active.
sanket.addweb โ changed the visibility of the branch 3299976-implement-hookhelp-for to hidden.
@sakthi_dev, thank you for suggesting the text and format for hook_help. Moving it to 'Needs Work' status
Facing error while submitting second step
Drupal\Core\Database\DatabaseExceptionWrapper: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1366 Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'svid' at row 1: INSERT INTO "site_verify" ("svid", "engine", "file", "file_contents", "meta") VALUES (:db_insert_placeholder_0, :db_insert_placeholder_1, :db_insert_placeholder_2, :db_insert_placeholder_3, :db_insert_placeholder_4); Array ( [:db_insert_placeholder_0] => [:db_insert_placeholder_1] => google [:db_insert_placeholder_2] => [:db_insert_placeholder_3] => [:db_insert_placeholder_4] => ) in Drupal\site_verify\Form\SiteVerifyAdminForm->submitForm() (line 212 of /var/www/html/web/jitsi/web/modules/contrib/site_verify/src/Form/SiteVerifyAdminForm.php).
@all, Moving to need review status
@sakthi_dev, @bircher I encountered the same issue in the UI after updating the module from config_ignore 2.4.0 to 3.2.0. After running drush cex and drush cim, it correctly ignored config ignore items, so it's working fine.
However, on the UI, in admin/config/development/configuration, the Synchronize list still shows the config ignore items. To address this, we can add the following lines of code to Drupal\config\Form\ConfigSync.php at line 291
foreach($config_names as $key => $config_name){
$config_ignore_items = $this->configFactory->get('config_ignore.settings')->get('ignored_config_entities');
if (in_array($config_name, $config_ignore_items)) {
I tried to reproduce this issue by changing the UUID of media.type.image and then running drush cim. I observed that one configuration was deleted and another was created.
Next, I added media.type.image:uuid to the ignore list and ran drush cim again. It showed me that there were no changes to import.
@bircher, please let me know if I missed anything while reproducing the issue. However, I believe this issue may not exist in the latest version, 8.x-3.x-dev.
@aheredia, I have encountered the same problem with 'config_ignore.settings' being present in the ignore list. The issue arises when we add 'config_ignore.settings' to the list of ignored configurations and it should not revert during drush cim.
Therefore, I have included 'config_ignore.settings' in the config ignore array. Now, both drush cim and drush cex are functioning properly, and if 'config_ignore.settings' is present in the ignore list, it does not revert back.
@tormi Sir, I have removed the Composer Manager instructions from the file
Hello @heykarthikwithu Sir, I've added a class to the claro theme in form.css to address the issue with the asterisk not being visible.
I added a configuration for image revision status and resolved the display issue of images in revision diff.
Thanks @Cayenne, I have tested and created a patch for the revision differences in the address field.
I have fixed the coding standards and modified the patch.
Hello @HarshitaMehna, I have updated the README.txt file.
@yuvania, Patch is working fine. Thanks!
@pasan.gamage, I have updated the options code, and this solution resolves the field option labels in the configuration form.
@lostcarpark, I have made the necessary changes by replacing the public function with a protected function. Additionally, I conducted research on the "validateSettingsForm()" method and applied the validate handler in the formatter's setting form. However, the current implementation is not functioning as expected. I will continue investigating to identify and resolve the issue.
I tested the patch 2706241-79.patch and identified a syntax error in the catch statement. I made a minor syntax adjustment to resolve the issue.
I resolved the issue by changing the field type from 'textfield' to 'number' and making the 'More text URL' field required when the 'Display More link?' checkbox is checked.