Account created on 12 January 2023, about 2 years ago

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🇲🇼Malawi chancenyasulu

Hello Maxilein,
So far, the module only displays emails and basic mailbox features, as it is still under development. I am working on creating entities to store mail data, which will support features like Views, as you mentioned.

Thank you!

🇲🇼Malawi chancenyasulu

Reviewed [1.0.0-beta2]. Am able to enable the module now and all dependencies are working correctly.

Thank you.

🇲🇼Malawi chancenyasulu

Okay let me continue with reviewing thank you.

🇲🇼Malawi chancenyasulu

Thanks guys for working on these issues, appreciate your work

🇲🇼Malawi chancenyasulu

Hey #9
I dont think $temporary_scheme will always be NULL, thats why declaring $temporary_scheme_name with NULL value suits incase this $temporary_scheme is NULL in that way its ensures that $temporary_scheme_name always have expected value. but if $temporary_scheme is not NULL which mean here $temporary_scheme_name = key($stream_wrapper_manager->getWrappers($temporary_scheme->getType()));
we will have right value.

In short am just trying to safeguard this line $temporary_scheme_name = key($stream_wrapper_manager->getWrappers($temporary_scheme->getType())); in such away that only if $temporary_scheme is not NULL then line can be executed. at same time making sure that $temporary_scheme_name has other expected value NULL if line didnt execute.

Sorry for later reply. Thanks

🇲🇼Malawi chancenyasulu

I have created this patch please review it, I have simple checked if $temporary_scheme is empty if yes am keeping this $temporary_scheme_name as null since on line $temporary_scheme_name = key($stream_wrapper_manager->getWrappers($temporary_scheme->getType())); key returns null if key was not found.

🇲🇼Malawi chancenyasulu

am closing this issue as it is already solved within other issues

🇲🇼Malawi chancenyasulu

Thanks you Neha-Verma for your review am closing it now.

🇲🇼Malawi chancenyasulu

GitLab CI is set up properly which has made alot of error and warning flags on the project which we are required to cross check and rise there proper issues to be fixed

Thank you

🇲🇼Malawi chancenyasulu

I have reviewed the fixed you have made @raveen unfortunately issue still remains I will suggest to avoid people from accessing /admin/config/packt/content-type-form form if we dont have token for Packthub set for module to use in that case lets redirect to /admin/config/packt/api-key for them to set the the API token which is required.

🇲🇼Malawi chancenyasulu

All new changes will be available in new release.

🇲🇼Malawi chancenyasulu

am closing this issues we can focus on issue 🐛 Enforce tokens "key" and "url" availability to module Needs review solving it will solve our problem in this issue

🇲🇼Malawi chancenyasulu

I have reviewed and merged all of this issue thanks you all

🇲🇼Malawi chancenyasulu

Hey Xpert it will good to include packthub link for those who wants to get API token for packthub


🇲🇼Malawi chancenyasulu

Hello Abdulaziz, I have look and tested the code from

composer require 'drupal/email_tfa:2.0.x-dev@dev'


composer require 'drupal/email_tfa:^2.0@alpha'

But both side gives me problem when i have enabled the module and configure it accordingly
Clearing cache and then logout to login again unfortunately i cant login site just keeps on loading Note: this happens only when STMP module is not configured properly

Please enforce this requirement in email TFA module

Other Errors found:

this video screen-capture (3).mp4 (15.16 MB) shows for composer require 'drupal/email_tfa:^2.0@alpha'


this video screen-capture (4).mp4 (9.58 MB) shows for composer require 'drupal/email_tfa:2.0.x-dev@dev'

You will notice that in both we have these errors please check images.

Good News:
With properly configuration of stmp module email TFA works great now. check Screenshot from 2024-02-02 16-15-55.png (201.93 KB)

Thank you.

🇲🇼Malawi chancenyasulu

latest version has been released with all pending issues solved.

Production build 0.71.5 2024