Created MR for the issue. Please review.
Attached screenshot of the same
Sonal Gyanani → created an issue.
MR!5 has been successfully applied to the Drupal 9.5.x-dev, and it is functioning as expected.
Changes and Outcomes:
As a result of this merge:
The UI has been updated to remove the icon when no values are present in either the phone number or email fields.
Attached screenshot for reference.
Applied MR!1 on Drupal 9.5.x it is working fine, preview icon is vertically center-aligned with content.
Attached screenshot for reference.
Hi @dpacassi,
I am not able to reproduce the issue can you brief the steps.
I checked on Drupal 9.5.x and Drupal 10.0.x its working fine without showing any error.
I applied MR!16 to Drupal 9.5.x, and the issue has been resolved. Bullets and numbers have been removed.
I have attached screenshots for reference.
Thank you.
Applied MR!5 on Drupal 9.5.x, and the issue got fixed.
Attach screenshot for reference
Applied MR!2 its working fine only I changed the background color of a button as the white background of button is not visible on the white background of site.
Attached screenshot for reference.
Please review.
Sonal Gyanani → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Verified MR!3 now the content is visible on the front page, and the issue is fixed.
Adding screenshots for reference.
Hi @mike vogel, where is the solution for this issue you changed its status from active to needs review. I think you forgot to add a solution to this so change the status to needs work.
I am also not able to reproduce the issue can you please brief on this?
Sonal Gyanani → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Applied and verified MR!5 its working fine now blocks placed in the footer region are rendered at front end.
Attached screenshot for reference and moved it to RTBC.
Applied patch#2 it is working fine but the asterisk mark looks stretched we can fix it by providing the same height and width
.form-required:after {
background-image: url();
background-size: 8px 8px;
content: "";
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: super;
line-height: 1;
height: 8px;
width: 8px;
Applied and verified patch#3 twitter icon changed with the new icon.
Attached screenshot for the reference.
Applied and verified MR!2
core_version_requirement key is added and now the theme can be installed on Drupal versions greater than 9.
Applied and verified MR!9 and have made some changes to classes that are already defined changed CSS there only and add style to active pagination. Attached here screenshot for reference.
Sonal Gyanani → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Hi @alok_singh
Applied MR!8 it works fine when the box is closed but when we open it's position gets changed and is not properly center aligned.
So need to work it on again.
Attached screenshot for reference.
Hi alok_singh,
MR!11 working fine but it adds additional space because of width can we change it from 35px to 15px and remove margin-left from description.
input[type="checkbox"] {
width: 15px !important;
.form-type-radio .description, .form-type-checkbox .description{
margin-left:0px !important;
Attached screenshot for reference.
Applied and verified MR!3 on Drupal 9.5.x. Now duplicate keys are removed from libraries.yml file.
Can be move to RTBC+1
Applied MR!2 on Drupal 9.5.x and it is working fine error resolved.
For now, it is commented we can remove it from the code.
Applied MR!8 on Drupal 9.5.x and it is working fine.
Added space between read more button and tags
I think we can update padding-left to padding only in below code
ul.inline li {
padding-left: 0;
ul.inline li {
padding: 0;
Attached here screenshots for reference
Hi @alok_singh can you please brief about the issue do you want space for the whole content region or a specific section because the solution you provided will wrap the whole content region in a container if I want some section at front-page in full width and some in the container then this will wrap whole in the container.
For this, we can create different templates for that particular node, block or view, and wrap that in the container.
Please suggest.
Created MR for the issue.
Please review
Sonal Gyanani → created an issue.
Created MR for the issue.
Please review.
Created MR for the issue.
Please review.
Sonal Gyanani → created an issue.
Sonal Gyanani → created an issue.
Created MR for the issue.
Please review.
Created MR for the issue.
Please review.
Sonal Gyanani → created an issue.
Created MR for the issue.
Please review.
Sonal Gyanani → created an issue.
Sonal Gyanani → created an issue.
Created MR for the issue.
Please review
Created MR for the issue.
Please review.
Sonal Gyanani → created an issue.
Sonal Gyanani → created an issue.
Created MR for the issue.
Please review.
Sonal Gyanani → created an issue.
Created MR for the issue.
Please review.
Sonal Gyanani → created an issue.
Nigel Cunningham → credited Sonal Gyanani → .
Created MR for the issue.
Please review.
Created MR for the issue.
Please review
Sonal Gyanani → created an issue.
Sonal Gyanani → created an issue.
Thanks @himanshu_jhaloya, MR looks good all errors and warnings are fixed now.
So moving it to RTBC
Created MR for the issue.
Please review
Sonal Gyanani → created an issue.
Created MR for the issue.
Please review
Created MR for the issue.
Please review
Sonal Gyanani → created an issue.
Sonal Gyanani → created an issue.
Created MR for the issue.
Please review
Sonal Gyanani → created an issue.
Created MR for the issue.
Please review
Thanks @Jay Jangid, MR looks good to me.
So moving it to RTBC
Sonal Gyanani → created an issue.
Created MR against 2.x version and fix some formatting issues according to template →
Please review
Sonal Gyanani → created an issue.
Created MR for the issue.
Please review.
Sonal Gyanani → created an issue.
Fixed some formatting issues according to template →
Please review
Patch #2 applied cleanly, all errors and warnings are fixed.
Created MR for the issue.
Please review.
Sonal Gyanani → created an issue.
Created MR for the issue.
Please review.
Sonal Gyanani → created an issue.
Created MR for the issue.
Please review.
Sonal Gyanani → created an issue.
Sonal Gyanani → created an issue.
Created MR for the issue.
Please review.
Sonal Gyanani → created an issue.
Fixed some formatting issues according to template →
Please review
Created MR for the issue.
Please review.
Created MR for the issue.
Please review
Sonal Gyanani → created an issue.
Sonal Gyanani → created an issue.
Created MR for the issue.
Please review
Sonal Gyanani → created an issue.
Created MR for the issue.
Please review.
Sonal Gyanani → created an issue.
Created MR for the issue.
Please review
Sonal Gyanani → created an issue.
Created MR for the issue.
Please review
Sonal Gyanani → created an issue.
Created MR for the issue.
Please review.