
Account created on 25 October 2022, over 1 year ago

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I was able to use AJAX callback on a shs field, thanks to this patch. It was not called at all before applying.


For information, there is on conflict with patch #4 from issue 3305126 Add bundle information to LayoutBuilder Postponed: needs info .

See composer install -vvv

Hunk #3 FAILED at 261.

1 out of 3 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file modules/layout_builder/src/Element/LayoutBuilder.php.rej

To solve it I had to apply first the #148 patch and then the patch from the other issue (by ordering patches in composer), thus the second one can apply successfully with an offset as it is declared as one continuous block.

I think it will be the same for #141 patch for 10.2.x

Patch for point number 1, use like as a toggle.


I ended up by using "views_term_hierarchy_weight_field" which can order taxonomy by weight and depth. Not embedding regarding depth put childs are at least under their parents.

Thanks for the confirmation !

I have many warning about empty fields, I don't know if it is expected but I need to hide those warning because it cause so many display during database update.

Patch #3 hides warnings during group_update_9203.


I use res-ben code Entities identified by strings as group content Closed: won't fix to properly uninstall patch "2797793-279.patch".
This code populates 'entity_id' column during the process.

Please find a patch with the workaround for group_update_9203

Hello @ras-ben,

I use your code in a HOOK_update_N() before making the upgrade, it works fine. Thanks !

I had one more issue about an unexpected value on a field content_translation_uid. In fact I had few elements with a very high content_translation_uid, once I deleted them all updates were running OK.

I am not sure why those elements are not ok, il will dig up this issue. I just check a few things, but group have theirs contents.

Hello @ViNCE,

I am facing an issue on the same hook. The error is "Langcode is missing". For me the field definition ($field_storage_definitions) is empty when I try to debug it in a preprocess. So obviously the Langcode field is missing for a translatable array.

I had tried to set these just before by using :

$storage_definitions = $entityFieldManager->getFieldStorageDefinitions('group_content');

And then it shows me other errors.
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'entity_id' cannot be null: INSERT INTO "tmp_4e14aegroup_relationship_field_data"

it seems that it has loop over some database entries because there is some warning that are repeated before :

  [warning] Undefined array key "plugin_id" SqlContentEntityStorage.php:597
  [warning] Undefined array key "group_type" SqlContentEntityStorage.php:597

Il your storage definition empty ?
Does the hook seems to process some items and one is failing or it fails at the beginning ?


I have quite the same issue, add link does not show the balloon, but media dialog replaces the the current dialog. Here is the setup :

A custom CKE5 plugin call the node add form to create a node within a CKE5 field :

As soon as I tried to use media plugin to insert a media, the media dialog replace the current dialog (which is the node creation form), this I am not able to insert the media since the form is closed.

I tried both CSS and the dialog dependency fix but I think the issue is more like the plugin does not see the "child" CKE5 in the form but only the "parent" one in the layout builder.

I am not sure if there are other exemples with multiple layers of CKE5 editors ?


Hi @BramDriesen,

I did not manage to make the patch #3 work. Si I made my own, but it is a kind of mismatch between general use and specific.

Previously the notification was created with some token and replaced before being stored into the database in the current context within the current language. So, the complete notification was published and readable in only one language (because with replaced tokens the rendered sentence is no more generic and not translatable).

What I have done is keep these token unreplaced, so that the sentence stored into the database is a generic one and can be translated.
And then during the final rendering of the notification I replace token with the correct words translated and the translated generic sentence.

To do so I have created some attributes to be store in the database to feed token (user id, node id, publication date etc...) to get node title translated for ex.

So these attributes are custom and depending on what we want to see in notification messages. The patch may not directly work on your environnement, but the mechanism to store le notification untokenized can be reused.

Ideally a generic feature shall be implemented to store automatically required attributes for token used to create the notification.

Just to notify that this is still an issue on 3.0.x.


No I can't reproduce with a fresh install and only those modules installed.
But is the modification I made make sense ? For me the entity shall not be generate when setting up the manage display of a content type.

I have attached an issue where they are facing exactly the same issue while generating this "demo" entity, maybe the issue is more into the generation of the entity than when it shall be generated ?


Found the origin of the out of memory in layout builder module, refer issue 3354180 : Memory timeout on "manage display" page for contents with layout builder. 🐛 Memory timeout on "manage display" page for contents with layout builder. Postponed: needs info


I face an out of memory, maybe because of custom block, for all content type managed with the layout builder I have this error on path "/admin/structure/types/manage/-content_type-/display"

The out of memory is cleared ad soon as I uninstall the layout_builder_restriction module.
I have not yet isolate the root cause of this.


My modifications were not taken into account the langcode of the node.

Modification done only for MySQL database type. I does not have any PostgreSQL setup to test it.

Small update to avoid spurious warning on custom field 'date_unpub'.

Production build 0.69.0 2024