Account created on 27 September 2022, over 2 years ago
  • Backend Drupal Developer at iO 

Merge Requests

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🇧🇪Belgium victonator

Hi, not using this module. But ran into this issue. I think this is a duplicate of 🐛 CKEditor mangles tokens in URLs, due to bug in Xss::attributes() Needs work

🇧🇪Belgium victonator

Ran into this issue on 2.0.0. The "Entity" display is not supported due to the reason stated in the description.
I'm using this module combined with Views data export.

🇧🇪Belgium victonator

I had the same error on a fresh install.
I added the button to a text format without configuring the options below. Configuring the options below got rid of the error and added the button to the text format :).

🇧🇪Belgium victonator

Hi @mauro_
In AjaxWrapperController.php:183 a new request is created and later on gets pushed in the requestStack.
FormBuilder.php requires a session from the currentRequest which is now the new request without a session from ajax_wrapper.
Adding the session from the mainRequest to the currentRequest (or something like that) is not something I should have to do when building my form in my opinion :) .
This should be handled in the module in some way, like in the attached patch.

🇧🇪Belgium victonator

I deleted the patch from comment #20 from a project and the feature it's attached to is working as intended.
In my case this is not an issue anymore.

🇧🇪Belgium victonator

#2 works!
We upped our PHP memory limit because of this.
The patch also made our backend loading times shorter.

🇧🇪Belgium victonator

I had this problem as well and yoast_seo_update_8203 should've taken care of that and created a settings file.
Do you have a yoast_seo.settings.yml file with the contents below?

  0: 'Not available'
  8: Good
  1: Bad
  5: Okay
🇧🇪Belgium victonator

Hi @arisen,
Sorry for all the back and forth, this is my first time contributing like this :)
I've pushed it to the right branch and made a new MR, I hope this is correct.

🇧🇪Belgium victonator

Hi @arisen, sorry for my lack of steps, I added some new steps and I was able to reproduce this on a new project.

🇧🇪Belgium victonator

As described in #157 I came across the same issue where we had to press the 'Save' button twice.
Patch #157 fixes this and works great for me.

🇧🇪Belgium victonator

Nevermind my previous comment #6, Patch #4 works like intended

🇧🇪Belgium victonator

Patch #4 works, but when a lot of checkboxes are present, a scrollable element is needed (Like before) else the filter will be really long.

🇧🇪Belgium victonator

When commenting code in the views module in file core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/filter/FilterPluginBase.php (Line 957-962) It works as expected.

      if ((!empty($this->options['expose']['use_operator']) && !empty($this->options['expose']['operator_id'])) || count(Element::children($form[$value]))) {
        $wrapper = $value . '_wrapper';
        $this->buildValueWrapper($form, $wrapper);
        $form[$wrapper][$value] = $form[$value];
🇧🇪Belgium victonator

This MR (#6) works on a fresh Drupal 10 site

🇧🇪Belgium victonator

Can we get a tagged release with Drupal 10 support?

🇧🇪Belgium victonator

I tested the Merge request in comment #12 and on a new Drupal 10 project it works great!

🇧🇪Belgium victonator

On a fresh Drupal 10 project, patch #2 works great!

🇧🇪Belgium victonator

No issue's on a fresh Drupal 10 project, works perfectly

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