With the changes, I successfully completed the authorization flow and cron pulled the posts from Instagram as expected.
Please disregard the previous comment, the patch provided breaks the suggestions functionality and should not be used.
mscieszka β created an issue.
I have also encountered this error - patch #3 fixes the problem.
When applying 2118743-251.patch using Drupal 10.3.1 there was an error in the core/themes/engines/twig/twig.engine file. I have taken changes from 2118743-251.patch into the 10.3.x branch taking into consideration 2 latest commits from https://git.drupalcode.org/project/drupal/-/commits/10.3.x/core/themes/engines/twig/twig.engine - patch now applies successfully.
Thank you, I can confirm that it is now working as expected.
Applying the patch from MR !459 solves the problem of dropdown items being off-screen to the left. In my case there is still a problem with not all items being visible. It takes scrolling to show all the items in the dropdown - see attached video.
mscieszka β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
Update old link. Improve structure to make it easier to read.
Update old links.
Not sure why link to ddm() https://api.drupal.org/api/devel/devel.module/function/ddm/5.x does not work and previous one (https://api.drupal.org/comment/63606#comment-63606) is broken.
Add the devel-generate-block-content command. Rearrange commands alphabetically. Add terminal command info to show available commands.
The execute PHP code feature has been removed in the 8.x-2.0 branch: "Issue #3005475 by lussoluca: Remove Execute PHP feature" on 25.10.2018.
I can confirm that after installing a fresh Webform 6.2.x and applying the patch from the MR, I can submit the default contact form without the WSOD that occurred when using Devel 5.2.1. Also, after downgrading to 5.1.2 and applying the patch, the form submits correctly.
mscieszka β created an issue.
Update twig documentation link to the newer major version.
1. I would consider requiring a longer password length than 6 characters as it is more important for security reasons than a really short password even with special characters.
2. It is a best practice to lock a user out if they use an incorrect password multiple times. I don't know if such a mechanism is currently in place, just wanted to mention it.
3. There are ways to check if a password that user provides has been compromised in a data leak. For example API like https://haveibeenpwned.com/API/v3#PwnedPasswords can do this.
I have installed a fresh Drupal 10.2.3 with Paragraphs 8.x-1.17 and Gin 8.x-3.0-rc9.
I have attached my findings before and after applying paragraph-order-label.patch for 3 cases:
- no paragraphs added,
- paragraph added, weights hidden,
- paragraph added, weights shown.
mscieszka β created an issue.
mscieszka β created an issue.