🇮🇳India @samir_shukla

Account created on 26 August 2022, over 2 years ago

Recent comments

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, I have created patch for the issue. Please review.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, the patch applied cleanly with the banner aligned center.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, when the error comes up, try clearing the cache from drush and then reload the page or open /admin/config/development/performance and clear from there,if it opens

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, I was unable to reproduce the error. Is there any configuration done before upgrading to 2.6.0?

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

HI, I have created patch for the issue. Please review.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, I was unable to reproduce the issue and was able to successfully remove the module via composer.Below is my settings.php file you can compare and check whether there is any issue with it.

$databases['default']['default'] = array (
  'database' => 'samdr102',
  'username' => 'root',
  'password' => 'root',
  'prefix' => '',
  'host' => 'localhost',
  'port' => '3306',
  'isolation_level' => 'READ COMMITTED',
  'driver' => 'mysql',
  'namespace' => 'Drupal\\mysql\\Driver\\Database\\mysql',
  'autoload' => 'core/modules/mysql\\src\\Driver\\Database\\mysql\\',
🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, I am unable to reproduce the error and was able to add a field and save in views. This type of issue comes from ajax, can you inspect if there is any ajax or js issue.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, I am unable to reproduce the issue and that particular route page is opened. Can you try clearing the cache first.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, I am unable to produce the error. I installed the modules and run all the crons. Do i have to run any particular cron?

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, i have created the patch to solve the issue. Please review.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, the Course module is not for drupal 10. May I know how you installed it.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, i tried to apply the patch, it got failed. Here is the screenshot of the error i got.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, have you tried updating the database (drush updb), sometimes this can be the issue.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hey, have you tried updating your gulf packages?
npm update gulp gulp-sass

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, Have you added the field of draggable weight in views? If so, you can hide it via views and check on exclude from display.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, the patch failed to apply with the error mentioned in the screenshot.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, can you share screenshot of how it is working firefox or if its showing any error, can you post that please?

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, I am unable to reproduce the error. Can you please give the steps after which you encountered this error.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, There is a field geolocation_geocodio, can you check whether it does what's required by you. Also this field is dependent on library geocodio-library. Here is the ss of the library its showing to enable and the field present.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, Can you please tell what this field used to do or any screenshort

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, I think it can be done by writing hook for a particular registration page and inside the hook to add condition to show/hide particular field for certain role.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, I have styled the patch code. Please review.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, can you attach the screenshot of all the related configuration done by you.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, I was able to get that year filter option while creating new view. Have you tried clearing all caches of drupal site and browser as well?

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, installing with all dependencies solves the issue for me and the module is installed sucessfully.

composer require --with-all-dependencies drupal/upgrade_status:^4.0

I hope it helps.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, i am unable to reproduct the error. Try increasing the php memory limit in php.ini as memory_limit = 512M or -1 and also try updating drupal settings with ini_set('memory_limit', '512M');.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, I created the patch after removing white space as also referred in phpcs. Please review from your side as i was not able to produce ajax error.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, Try increasing the php memory limit in php.ini as memory_limit = 512M or -1 and also try updating drupal settings with ini_set('memory_limit', '512M')(512M or -1);.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, I looked into bat .module file, I found no white space before <?php.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, I was able to install the version 2.0@beta without any issues via composer. Can you try updating your composer and then again install as there sometimes can be version constraints.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, I was facing this issue Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\PluginNotFoundException: The "config_split" entity type does not exist. in Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManager->getDefinition() and it got solved when i cleared all cache from /admin/config/development/configuration/config-split/add and i didnt face the specific error mentioned by you. Can you try doing the same, whether it solves your issue as well. Here is the image of the page as well.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, I installed the latest module in drupal 10.2, and ran drush updb..no issues came. Can you mention which drupal version are you using?Also try to update your drupal core if that helps. T

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, patch applied cleanly with the issue solved.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, if we are restricted to use debug statement due to phpcs, then we can use something like messenger service. Here is the patch for the same. Please review.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, I installed the module with composer without any issues. U can doing composer update , or in specific update the specific packages mentioned in the issue,example:
composer update scotteh/php-goose guzzlehttp/guzzle league/uri symfony/css-selector

I hope it helps.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, I still cannot reproduce this error. Since this theme is not available for drupal 10, i just modified info.yml and installed in drupal 10. After doing some research, maybe the error is coming because of bootstrap version. Try updating or changing the version.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, I cannot reproduce the error. Can you give the screenshot of the error you are facing and your php version.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, created the new patch for the issue. Please review.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

I still couldn't reproduce the error. When i switched to branch 8.x-3.11, firstly I didn't find the file SimpleSitemapStorage.php. The file was present on 4.x.
And after doing some research, i found the issue can be solved with any of the steps mentioned below:
1. Try running any necessary database updates using Drush or the Drupal admin interface to ensure that the database schema is up-to-date.
2. Try reinstalling the module again and clear the cache.

I hope it helps.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, I was unable to produce the error. Can you specify the drupal version and the php version as well.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, e_wolf!, I tried producing the error but couldn't. Is there any configuration you did before uninstalling the module? I am using Drupal 9.5.x and php 8.2

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, I have created patch which replace dpm with print_r. There are also many other alternatives like ksm, var_dump, kint etc.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, I created patch for the issue. Please review.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, there was few more change to be done, so attached new patch for that. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please review this patch

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, I have created patch for the issue. Please review.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, have you followed up with the license requirements and the npm ci command mentioned on the module page. I am not sure; maybe be this can be the reason for the issue. I hope it helps.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, ensure that the file and its parent directories have the correct permissions for global.js, allowing the web server to read the file. You can use the chmod command to adjust permissions if needed.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, the above patch applied sucessfully and added the dependency in .info.yml file. But we still we need to have classy theme installed in our system via 'composer require 'drupal/classy:^1.0'' to get away with the issue mentioned. While themes themselves are not typically managed through Composer, we can do it only by adding below requirement in root composer of our site:

  "require": {
    "drupal/classy": "^1.0"
    // other dependencies...
🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, I have created the patch for the above issue. Please review.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, I was able to reproduce the issue, and when tried to apply the patch, it failed in drupal 10

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, i found a module linked field which allows you to link fields in the field formatter settings and which is compatible with drupal 10. Does this do any help with your issue. Here is the for the same:
I hope it helps.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Here is the patch for the same if it helps.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, instead of using getDatabaseConnection, we can use Database::getConnection(): https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/core%21lib%21Drupal%21Core%21Database%...

use Drupal\Core\Database\Database.
$this->database = Database::getConnection();

where the default database is your Drupal database, and if you want to define a specific database you can use as:
$dbh = Database::getConnection('default', 'SQL');
and define that db in your settings.php :

$databases['SQL']['default'] = array(
  'database' => "test",
  'username' => "root",
  'password' => "root",
  'host' => $host,
  'driver' => $driver,
  'port' => $port,
  'prefix' => "",
🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, I think the error is related to ca (Certificate Authority) certificate, so you can check whether it is updated and try reinstalling it according to the installation process in your os. For Linux its:
sudo apt-get install --reinstall ca-certificates.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, patch was applied cleanly, with the ui showing as in screenshot:

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, created the patch for the warnings.Please review

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, the patch in comment #2 applied cleanly with no errors.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, for me enabling this module in drupal 10.1.6, the error was not encountered. Still if you are facing the issue, I think this issue will help to for finding solution for the issue:

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

samir_shukla made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, I think instead of directly modifying the theme, create a subtheme. Inside that you can copy the necessary files from the parent theme and then attach a custom .css file and then do the necessary changes. I hope it helps.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

samir_shukla made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, created patch for the issue. Please review.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, created a patch for the above issue. Please review

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, the problem is that there should be webform module installed before installing this module. In my case, doing so, the module got installed.

🇮🇳India samir_shukla bareilly

Hi, created the patch for the issue. Please review.

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