Account created on 4 August 2022, over 2 years ago

Merge Requests

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I can confirm that the bug is still reproducible on version 11.0.9 and on 11-dev.
I used the steps described in #3 to reproduce it.

This change removes the option to show drop down up for the last 2 elements.
But it was pointed out as a wrong solution in this comment πŸ› Improved Accessibility: Unveiling Dropbutton Operations Hidden by Gin Table Scroll Wrapper Closed: duplicate .

Won't this lead to some unexpected results?

tested it on the dev version with the suggested changes from ✨ Move Action buttons to sticky header Fixed
nothing has changed (I also noticed that the sidebar switch is hidden in the ellipsis, it seems it shouldn't be like that)

It seems that simply changing the extension doesn't preserve the good formatting for md files. I think they need to be updated to the correct formatting for code, tables, links, etc. This will further improve the visual perception and usability

It might be good to change INSTALL.txt to, which would improve the readability of the file from the repository page.

As mentioned in #6, deleting styles is not the best solution. So I dove into this topic a bit and tried to solve it.

I tried to solve it with styles, but I was able to reproduce quite a few cases that the styles did not cover.

I added a js file that covers most of the cases (using different layout densities, row position in the table, and number of elements in the options).

May need to add some comments for clarity, and also test if the js for views works when filtering

I had previously tested this on 10.2 with the patch to issue #3413508, but I tested it on the 10.3-dev branch.

I wanted to create a menu with a collection of frequently used settings for the administrator. I created a custom router with the following configuration:

  path: '/admin/test'
    _title: 'Test'
    _controller: '\Drupal\system\Controller\SystemController::systemAdminMenuBlockPage'
    _permission: 'access administration pages'

and added the link to the file

  title: 'TEST'
  route_name: test.admin
  parent: nts_core.admin

  title: 'Item 1'
  route_name: system.admin_config_system
  # route_name: system.site_information_settings
  parent: test.admin

  title: 'Item 2'
  route_name: system.admin_reports
  # route_name: system.site_information_settings
  parent: test.admin

If the page contains only links to other pages that are being processed SystemController::systemAdminMenuBlockPage, 403 is displayed.

If there is 1 element that returns another page (for example, I used the system.site_information_settings route for testing), then the page is displayed well, including other links to the page.
If a page implemented using SystemController::systemAdminMenuBlockPage contains only links to pages that are also implemented by this controller, it is displayed as 403

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