🇳🇱Netherlands @Rhezios

Account created on 9 September 2021, almost 3 years ago

Recent comments

🇳🇱Netherlands Rhezios


Hello. I looked at the patch and it has "'system/files" hardcoded as the base path for private files. I made a MR that should cover the private scheme as well as the public scheme.

The reason for the hardcoded string is the route for private files. Private files are served by the route "system.private_file_download" and not the path of the file itself. PrivateStream::basePath() returns "Settings::get('file_private_path')" which is not accessible over the web server.

* A local file system path where private files will be stored. This directory
* must be absolute, outside of the Drupal installation directory and not
* accessible over the web.

🇳🇱Netherlands Rhezios

We are loading SAML IDP settings conditionally which may result in an invalid IDP settings. The patch adds a flag to prevent unnecessary execution of the user_presave hook and can be used as intermediate solution.

Production build 0.71.5 2024