Hi @mikeybeck , i have applied the patch(#9) , applied successfully now the the comparison operators are working as they should ( field 1 operator field) we can move this to RTBC+1. Adding the screenshot for the same .
I have applied the patch #11 , working as expected now the required(*) symbol in showing on the radio field . Attaching the screenshot for the same we can move this to RTBC+1, Thanks.
Verified the patch now we can see alternative name fields for both Organisation and website scheme markup.
Adding the Screenshot for the reference.
We can move this to RTBC+1 , Thanks.
Hi @sassafrass i tried to reproduce the issue with specified Webform version and D10, i can reproduce the same issue after checking the checkbox the radio button is not showing as required , but if we try to submit the form without selecting the value if the radio-box, we will get an error that please select a value .
Therefore i think the radio field is still required and working fine from backend logic. it is just not showing the required symbol(*) over the radio button , so it's more related of css / js issue and we can update the Title and description accordingly.
Moreover you can confirm the same over it.
Adding the screenshot for the reference.
@jrockowitz tried to applied the patch(#3( , Now we are not getting the error which was breaking up site instead getting the warning msg for the user indicating that they need to reload and than submit the form which is the ideal behaviour.
we can move this to RTBC+1 , Thanks.
@jrockowitz i tried to applied the patch(#7) , after applying the patch although we are successfully able to save webform with the conditions on the date field , however we are still getting same error now upon submission of the webform. Attaching the screenshot for reference .
HI @jrockowitz , i followed the steps mentioned in the issue and tried to replicate the issue using the webform yml mentioned in (#2) however when i tried to submit the from with date which is out of the interval i can see the error msg regarding the rounding off date field. Adding the screenshot for the same .
Can you please mention if there is a special edge case or am I missing something to reproduce this issue ?
I am working with webform 6.2.x-dev and D9.5.8 for the same.
Tried to reproduce the issue getting the same error (The timestamp must be numeric.) while working with D10 and webform 6.2.0-beta6 .
However when i tried to reproduce the same in D9 and with webform 6.1.4 though we are able to save the webform fields and condition without any error . however we are not getting the desired result .
Follow the same steps as mentioned in the issue with D9 and webform 6.1.4 , Set the page2 date field min value to date1 field value using (([webform_submission:values:date1_field_name]) . Now when we try to submit the response , the date validation for date2 is checking min value against the submission date of webform(today) instead of the date1 field value which is not the ideal behaviour.
Adding the screenshot for the same.
Applied the Patch (#18) metatag-2904468-load_default_404_tags-18.patch , working as expected now the metatag values are rendering from backend 404/403 metatag settings , rather than node which is specified in 404 and 403 page settings.
Adding the screenshot for the same. We can move this to RTBC+1.
HI @jrockowitz i have reviewed the Patch(#4) it is applied successfully now the tooltip message are rendering properly. Attaching the screenshot for the same. We can move this to RTBC+1.
Just to highlight : Before applying the patch in some of the cases the tooltip message in not even showing in the viewport. But working fine after the patch.
Hi @jrockowitz , I tried to reproduce this issue :
Steps to reproduce :
1.Add a text field (any field) to webform.
2.Add a date list field to webform ( chose the option that you want to enable i.e: d ,m ,y).
3.make the date list field required on the conditional basis ( i made the date list field required if the text field has a value).
4 Now fill the value in the name , don't fill anything in the date-time field even if it is required and submit the form.
issue : instead of showing the inline the error(form validation ) for the required date time field the page will load on submission and than we will see the error for the date field required.
I have applied the patch , applied successfully now after submitting the form with the the date-field empty, we are getting the inline error and preventing the page load which is the ideal behaviour similar to what we have incase of normal date-time required field.
Attaching the screenshot for the same. we can move this to RTBC+1.
Reviewed This Issue , The given patch (#6 / 3369135-6.patch) is getting applied Successfully now user can only submit the text values in both name and text field , which makes . Attaching the screenshot for the same.
We can move this to RTBC+1, Thanks.
applied the webform_link_element_empty_title-3380405-003 patch , changes working as expected , now we are using url field value as title if we don't have the title field enabled.
Adding the Screenshots for the reference.
applied the #2patch , changes working as expected now ( Attcahed the snapshot for the same) the display_name_ifalias field is working as expected when the married name field is empty.
@Anybody i was facing this issue when we first install menu item extra module add some extra fields for menus and than install Link override module , in that case for menu's original link( Original language link) was showing up instead of overridden link.
However i was able to resolve this issue by updating the weight for the menu item extra module as described in
https://www.drupal.org/project/translatable_menu_link_uri/issues/3066919... →
https://www.drupal.org/project/translatable_menu_link_uri/issues/3208382... →
Tried to apply the patch 2904468-13.patch , getting this error :
Checking patch src/MetatagManager.php...
Hunk #2 succeeded at 495 (offset 2 lines).
Checking patch tests/src/Functional/MetatagHelperTrait.php...
error: while searching for:use Drupal\Component\Render\FormattableMarkup;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html;
use Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Term;
use Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Vocabulary;
use Drupal\user\Entity\User;error: patch failed: tests/src/Functional/MetatagHelperTrait.php:4
error: tests/src/Functional/MetatagHelperTrait.php: patch does not apply