Account created on 8 July 2021, almost 3 years ago
  • Software Engineer at CI&T 

Merge Requests


Recent comments

🇧🇷Brazil viniciusrp

I merged and it will be released on next version

🇧🇷Brazil viniciusrp

I tested and reviewed, everything is working.

🇧🇷Brazil viniciusrp

The update was merged and will be released on next major version

🇧🇷Brazil viniciusrp

I approved and merged, in the next release it will be delivery

🇧🇷Brazil viniciusrp

I created a patch to use until it be merged and released

🇧🇷Brazil viniciusrp

I created a patch to use it be released.

🇧🇷Brazil viniciusrp

It was merger and will be released on next verstion

🇧🇷Brazil viniciusrp

I merged it and will be released on next version

🇧🇷Brazil viniciusrp

I reviewed and test locally.

🇧🇷Brazil viniciusrp

This error happen because we are saving this variable at config and this variable is not declared at schema yaml file.

I fixed it and needs be reviwed.

🇧🇷Brazil viniciusrp

I removed the translation function on check and use string in English hardcoded.

🇧🇷Brazil viniciusrp

I recreated the patch for profile 1.10 version, the from #15 is missing some file injection.

🇧🇷Brazil viniciusrp

I recreated the patch for profile 1.10 version, the from #15 is missing some file injection.

🇧🇷Brazil viniciusrp

I recreated the patch for profile 1.10 version.

🇧🇷Brazil viniciusrp

I reviewed and tested locally, it will release at next major version

🇧🇷Brazil viniciusrp

The PR was merged and will be release at next major version

Production build 0.69.0 2024