Account created on 22 February 2021, about 4 years ago
  • Graduate Technical Support Analyst at Zoocha 

Merge Requests

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🇧🇷Brazil rafael maito

rafael maito changed the visibility of the branch 8.x-1.x to active.

🇧🇷Brazil rafael maito

rafael maito changed the visibility of the branch 8.x-1.x to hidden.

🇧🇷Brazil rafael maito

I was having the same issue, applying the patch #2,fixed the issue, and now I am able to send test email.
I applied the patch by composer.
Mailchimp Transactional: 1.1.2
PHP 8.1.29
MySQL 5.7.29

🇧🇷Brazil rafael maito

Hello charlliequadros and cilefin,

After some investigation, here is my conclusion.

This change is related to the big pipe, here ( 📌 Avoid reading session from the database multiple times during a request Needs work ) is the Drupal issue. So checking this, the changes between Drupal versions 10.2.7 and 10.3.0 in BigPipe were changes to implement enhance performance and security in the delivery of dynamic content on web pages. However, might be affecting how the session is managed, particularly concerning the SSESS cookie's update timing.

In Drupal 10.2.7, BigPipe handled session management by reopening the session during the rendering of placeholders and then closing it afterward. This ensured that the session's expiration time was updated as content was progressively delivered to the user. However, in Drupal 10.3.0, the changes of these pre- and post-rendering tasks may be disrupting the regular update process of the SSESS cookie.

These changes could be preventing the session from being reopened or correctly managed during placeholder rendering, leading to issues with the SSESS cookie's expiration time.

If I revert the changes made here ( in the files BigPipe.php and BigPipeResponse.php, it works as before.

🇧🇷Brazil rafael maito

Thank you, charlliequadros. This solution worked for me, adding this change the session is being updated in each request.
Hi cilefen, Is your session never ending?

🇧🇷Brazil rafael maito

#15 worked for me, but I had to do some changes on version 3.2.2
Re-rolled patch for this version and attaching here

🇧🇷Brazil rafael maito

The issue still happening, but applying the patch #17 resolved the issue.

Production build 0.71.5 2024