- Issue created by @deepakaryan1988
- Status changed to Needs review
9 months ago 8:01am 28 June 2024 - last update
9 months ago 5 pass I can confirm that the patch in #2 fixes the issue. Was unable to send test email, now can send test email successfully. Thank you!
- 🇧🇷Brazil rafael maito
I was having the same issue, applying the patch #2,fixed the issue, and now I am able to send test email.
I applied the patch by composer.
Mailchimp Transactional: 1.1.2
PHP 8.1.29
MySQL 5.7.29
D10.2.5 - leymannx Berlin
Current patch is not a fix, it's just curing symptoms. With the current fix the test mail will not have an attachment although the checkbox to include the attachment is activated (by default).
The problem is inside
the following piece of code is returningFALSE
because the Bartik theme is not part of Drupal core anymore:\Drupal::service('file_system')->realpath('core/themes/bartik/logo.svg');
must become:
This issue has already been fixed properly in 🐛 Test form is broken when using Drupal 10 Fixed .