→ created an issue. → created an issue.
Have attempted to fork this and create the needed change. Have used:
name: Fieldset
status: experimental
description: Fieldset
type: object
type: Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute
description: The HTML attributes for the fieldset element.
type: boolean
description: Boolean indicating whether the fieldset element is disabled.
type: array
description: Any errors for this fieldset element.
type: boolean
description: Boolean indicating whether the fieldset element is required.
type: string
description: The content to add before the fieldset children.
type: string
description: The content to add after the fieldset children.
type: string
description: The display setting for the title.
type: string
description: The display setting for the description.
type: string
description: The rendered child elements of the fieldset.
for components/fieldset/fieldset.component.yml → created an issue.
Id love to know some next steps to progress - I need to put this into production fully, but am getting composer issues with:
mizpah@Asborian:~/development/gemini-gaming-production$ composer status -v
> command: Drupal\Composer\Plugin\Scaffold\Plugin->onCommand
You have changes in the following dependencies:
M commerce_ticketing.install
M commerce_ticketing.module
M config/install/commerce_product.commerce_product_variation_type.ticket.yml
M config/schema/commerce_ticketing.schema.yml
M src/CommerceTicketCreateTickets.php
M src/CommerceTicketListBuilder.php
M src/CommerceTicketRouteProvider.php
M src/Entity/CommerceTicket.php
M src/EventSubscriber/OrderEventSubscriber.php
M tests/src/Kernel/TicketCreationTest.php
M tests/src/Kernel/TicketKernelTestBase.php
I should note that everything is working - but am not really sure on next steps.
what need to happen to make a 'normal' D10 version of the module? → created an issue.
I just came across this issue, oddly enough trying to learn what the best practices for setting up metatags in drupal commerce are!
I am guessing this wont be in time for this project, however @anybody is there any documentation as to what the best practices are so I can try and set them up correctly? → created an issue. → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
So I have eventually managed to get this working. Going to dump a number of things here in the hope that it helps someone and hopefully becomes somewhat of a reference. Am sure there would have been easier/better ways, but I am far from a developer!
Firstly the end result:
To get a working D10 install:
Follow the instructions here :
Drupal 10 upgrade
(note the repo comments that follow)
In addition, I have these patches:
"drupal/entity_print": {
"3383187 - Unexpected Error, Session has not been set": ""
"drupal/commerce_ticketing": {
"3416185 - symphony mailer plugin": "",
"3415783 - tickets not autosending": "",
"3425570 - Error: Call to a member function getWorkflowId() on null": "",
"3250757 - Events and Disabled Tickets": "",
"3415300 - ticketing twig theming patch": ""
Rather than store additional details in a field on the ticket entity (although I tried!) I ended up using a pre-process function in my own module to make the values I needed available on screen, and when printing.
For me they are:
- details from the product (that sold the ticket)
- details from the event that the product was related to (I am using →
for events), all products based on ticket type 'event ticket' have required field, that is an entity reference to an event instance.
- details from the account / user that transacted the ticket.
In my module I implement:
* Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for commerce_ticket templates.
* Enhances the ticket template with detailed information including:
* - Ticket specifics such as type and associated product details.
* - Ownership details based on ticket assignments.
* - Customer information derived from the order, prioritizing billing profile data with fallbacks to user data.
* - Event details linked through the product variation.
* @param array &$variables
* The variables array passed to the ticket template.
function geminigames_tickets_mod_preprocess_commerce_ticket(&$variables) {
// Extract the ticket entity from the render array.
$ticket = $variables['elements']['#commerce_ticket'];
if ($ticket) {
// Pass the ticket entity itself to the Twig template for debugging or other uses.
$variables['ticket'] = $ticket;
// Extract and pass the machine name of the ticket type to the template.
$variables['ticket_type'] = $ticket->bundle();
// Extract and pass the plaintext version of the ticket number to the template.
// Check if the ticket has a 'ticket_number' field and it has a value.
if ($ticket->hasField('ticket_number') && !$ticket->get('ticket_number')->isEmpty()) {
// Extract the ticket number value.
$variables['plain_ticket_number'] = $ticket->get('ticket_number')->value;
// Extract and pass the ticket status to the template.
// Check if the ticket has a 'state' field and it has a value.
if ($ticket->hasField('state') && !$ticket->get('state')->isEmpty()) {
// Extract the ticket status value.
$variables['ticket_status'] = $ticket->get('state')->value;
if (isset($variables['content']['entity_print_view_pdf'])) {
// Change the link text.
$variables['content']['entity_print_view_pdf']['#title'] = t('here');
// Extract associated product details from the ticket's order item.
if ($order_item = $ticket->getOrderItem()) {
$product_variation = $order_item->getPurchasedEntity();
if ($product_variation) {
$product = $product_variation->getProduct(); // Associated product entity.
$variables['product_title'] = $product->getTitle();
$variables['product_variation_title'] = $product_variation->getTitle();
// Set details for the ticket's owner.
$owner = $ticket->getOwner();
if ($owner) {
$variables['ticket_owner_name'] = $owner->getDisplayName();
// Extract and process customer information from the associated order.
$order = $ticket->getOrder();
if ($order) {
$customer_user = $order->getCustomer(); // User entity associated with the order.
// Set customer's email from the user entity associated with the order.
$variables['customer_email'] = $customer_user->getEmail();
// Initialize customer information variables.
$customer_name = $customer_first_name = $customer_last_name = t('Not available');
// Attempt to extract name information from the billing profile's address field.
$billing_profile = $order->getBillingProfile();
if ($billing_profile && $billing_profile->hasField('address')) {
$address = $billing_profile->get('address')->first();
if ($address) {
$customer_first_name = $address->getGivenName();
$customer_last_name = $address->getFamilyName();
$customer_name = $customer_first_name . ' ' . $customer_last_name;
// Use user entity as fallback for names if not populated from billing profile.
if ($customer_first_name == t('Not available') || $customer_last_name == t('Not available')) {
$customer_name = $customer_user->getDisplayName();
// Set finalized customer details in variables.
$variables['customer_name'] = $customer_name;
$variables['customer_first_name'] = $customer_first_name;
$variables['customer_last_name'] = $customer_last_name;
// Retrieve and set event details linked to the product variation.
if (isset($product_variation) && $product_variation->hasField('field_associated_event') && !$product_variation->get('field_associated_event')->isEmpty()) {
$event = $product_variation->get('field_associated_event')->entity;
if ($event) {
// Assuming 'date' is a Daterange field containing event start and end times.
$start_date = $event->get('date')->start_date;
$end_date = $event->get('date')->end_date;
// Set event details for the template.
$variables['event_title'] = $event->label();
$variables['event_start_date'] = $start_date->format('Y-m-d');
$variables['event_start_time'] = $start_date->format('H:i');
$variables['event_end_date'] = $end_date->format('Y-m-d');
$variables['event_end_time'] = $end_date->format('H:i');
// Retrieve the active theme's settings.
$theme = \Drupal::theme()->getActiveTheme()->getName();
$theme_settings = \Drupal::config('system.theme')->get('default');
$logo_path = theme_get_setting('logo.url', $theme);
// Check if a custom logo has been set for the theme.
if (!empty($logo_path)) {
// Pass the logo URL to the template.
$variables['theme_logo'] = $logo_path;
My twig file, then looks like this:
<div class="container mt-4">
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<div class="alert alert-info" role="alert">
<h4 class="alert-heading">Ticket Information</h4>
{% if event_title %}<p>Please find on this page your ticket for <strong> {{ event_title }}</strong> on <strong> {{ event_start_date }}</strong>.{% endif %}
{% if not event_title %}<p>Please find on this page your ticket for <strong> {{ product_title }}</strong>.{% endif %}
Please check your details and get in touch with Gemini Games if this information appears incorrect.</p>
<p class="muted">{{ 'This ticket @ticket_number, was generated by order #@number.'|t({'@ticket_number': commerce_ticket.getTicketNumber, '@number': order.getOrderNumber}) }}</p>
<p class="mb-0">- The status of your ticket is: <strong> {{ ticket_status }}</strong></p>
<p class="mb-0">- Your ticket number is: <strong> {{ plain_ticket_number }}</strong></p>
{% if content.entity_print_view_pdf %}
<p class="mb-0 d-inline">
- You can download your PDF of this ticket
<a href="{{ content.entity_print_view_pdf['#url'] }}" class="alert-link">here</a>.
{% endif %}
<div class="row justify-content-center">
<div class="col-lg-8 col-md-10">
<div class="card mb-3 border border-4 border-dark">
<div class="row g-0">
<!-- Left Column: QR Code and Logo -->
<div class="col-md-5 col-lg-4 bg-primary p-3 d-flex flex-column align-items-center justify-content-center">
<div class="qr-container bg-white p-1 mb-3" style="border: 4px solid black; max-width: 220px;">
{% if content.qr_code %}
<div class="ticket-qr-code" style="width: 100%; height: auto;">{{ content.qr_code }}</div>
{% endif %}
<!-- Theme Logo below QR Code -->
{% if theme_logo %}
<img src="{{ theme_logo }}" class="img-fluid mb-3" alt="Theme Logo">
{% endif %}
<!-- Right Column: Product, Ticket and Event Details -->
<div class="col-md-7 col-lg-8 bg-light p-4">
<div class="card-body">
<!-- Product Title -->
<div class="row mb-4">
<div class="col">
<h4 class="display-6">{{ product_title }}</h4> <!-- Larger title font -->
<!-- Ticket Details -->
<div class="row mb-4">
<div class="col">
<h5 class="card-title fw-bold">Ticket Details</h5> <!-- Ticket details heading -->
<p class="card-text">
<strong>Ticket Type:</strong> {{ product_variation_title }}<br>
<strong>Ticket Number:</strong> {{ plain_ticket_number }}<br>
<strong>Customer Name:</strong> {{ customer_name }}<br>
<strong>Customer Email:</strong> {{ customer_email }}
<!-- Event Details, displayed only if there is an event title -->
{% if event_title %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<h5 class="card-title fw-bold">Event Details</h5> <!-- Event details heading -->
<p class="card-text">
<strong>Event Title:</strong> {{ event_title }}<br>
<strong>Event Date:</strong> {{ event_start_date }}<br>
<strong>Event Time:</strong> {{ event_start_time }}
{% endif %}
Hopefully there is enough here to help someone!
I don't think any of this is contributable / patchable without a D10 release ?
I have had this, drove me made for a few hours - eventually started another payment request in incognito mode - which gave me a new session, and everything worked. Any chance its down to the same session ID in the browser?
Aleix, Did you manage to find a solution to automatically sending the tickets?
Is anyone able to suggest a route forward ?
I still need to be able to allow a user to add values to a ticket on purchase.
I have tried to to use ECA but don't seem able to trigger a response to the checkout event at pre-save.
Would → be a plausible way inheriting the details from the product onto the ticket? → created an issue.
Note this with a D10 install (3382034), and ready patched with 341685, 3415783, 3425570. → created an issue.
This may be solved - the field QR Code had a format of 'bootstrap image gallery' as the default for the formatter on all the displays. (/admin/structure/commerce_ticket_types/manage/default/display).
Enabling this field for all 4 (receipt, QR code label PDF, Default) setting it to 'Ticket QR code', saving and then disabling it again for QR Code Label and Receipt seemed to solve the issue.
As an aside, I think I understand that:
- PDF is the attached PDF to the receipt
- Receipt is the email with ticket (pdf) attached when you resend a ticket as admin
- Default is the display you see on /commerce_ticket/[uuid]
I would assume that QR Code label is the 'wrapper' around the QR Code itself? (if my variation title is 'single entry' is this the value of that name field? → created an issue.
Thanks all,
is there anything I can test or any information I can retrieve?
Am using "url":"" for the install (I note the security warning from the other thread - I will move this into its own private repo before production if there is no official version!)
These are all the relevant patches just in case I am missing somthing.
"drupal/entity_print": {
"3383187 - Unexpected Error, Session has not been set": " →
"drupal/commerce_ticketing": {
"3416185 - symphony mailer plugin": "",
"3415783 - tickets not autosending": " →
"3425570 - Error: Call to a member function getWorkflowId() on null": " →
Current Scenario - ticket works when sent from admin, will not automatically send on purchase.
Thanks! Aware that tests are not passing, but I can confirm this solves the issue! → created an issue. → created an issue.
Hi folks,
I think I am running into the same issue:
D10 install as per the comments in /commerce_ticketing/issues/3382034
Patch autoactivating-3415783-7.patch applied
drupal/commerce_stripe": "^1.1" installed, (Stripe Payment Element mode)
Tickets work and can be purchased. Tickets correctly appear int the uses profile.
As an admin I can opt to resend a ticket and then its sent and correctly received.
Am I right in thinking that the applied patch should have resolved this?
In my ticket variation, automatically create for each line, and activate are both set. The default stats is 'completed# (I have also tried draft)
I also note applying a 100% discount to the ticket in my case does not result in the ticket being sent.
I have no visible errors through the checkout process.
Is there anything I might be missing, or any further suggestions for troubleshooting? → created an issue. → created an issue.
This will work for a 16/9 video - do we want to (or should we?) try to solve for other use cases? I don't know if there is a standard approach to a core theme, but either:
1 - We could add classes that allow for common video ratios, probably something like:
16:9 (Widescreen) 16:9
9:16 (Vertical) ...
1:1 (Square) ...
4:3 (Fullscreen) ...
21:9 (Cinematic Widescreen)
2 - We could look to calculate the ratio? I am aware of as jquery solution, and am also aware that jquery is no longer native in 9.x onwards. Is there a javascript approach in core that would help?
Of course these points are moot if its ok for the theme to be opinionated about 16/9 ratios being expected!
@erdm - did you by any chance test if this works if you override the dependency? → created an issue. → created an issue.