- Issue created by @martin@manarock.co.uk
HI Folks,
I am tentatively posting this as a bug, as I don't believe this is the behaviour I should be seeing - happy to be corrected however!
I have an otherwise working config split / config sync setup, my environment is DDEV (local) / Pantheon (remote).
I have a split for SOLR, using different modules / SOLR 8 server in each environment.
I have an index, with the same ID on each server. (also working, and in config split)
I have a view, using the named index - I want this view to be part of config sync, and not split.
The view has not been selected in the config split UI.
The view is perpetually split, but I see no reason for this to be the case.
1) Have a working split for search_api :
a) ddev - config/splits/ddev/search_api.index.product_index.yml
uuid: bd30b8d3-e2e9-44c9-8a92-d89b169010f1
langcode: en-gb
status: true
- search_api.server.ddev_solr_server
- search_api_solr
- commerce_product
- search_api
** Other Config **
id: product_index
name: 'Product Index'
description: 'Index of all enabled products and variations. (On DDEV)'
** Other Config **
server: ddev_solr_server
b) Pantheon - config/splits/pantheon_dev/search_api.index.product_index.yml
uuid: 26248e86-ec12-4e08-b1dd-af03a8d62d71
langcode: en-gb
status: true
- search_api.server.pantheon_solr8
- search_api_solr
- commerce_product
- search_api
** Other Config **
id: product_index
name: 'Product Index'
description: 'Index of all enabled products and variations. (On Pantheon)'
** Other Config **
server: pantheon_solr8
2) Create a view using the index in question:
uuid: f4fe8f40-af54-4b08-97a2-36a8080fd97a
langcode: en-gb
status: true
- field.storage.commerce_product.field_catalogue_image
- search_api.index.product_index
- search_api
- views_bootstrap
id: product_index
label: 'Product Index'
module: views
description: ''
tag: ''
base_table: search_api_index_product_index
base_field: search_api_id
** other config **
With no settings for the view in the config split UI (or any override hooks in code / modules), the view perpetually appears in the ddev config split directory. It is not exported to the remote.
Deleting from the split directory, and copying to the sync directory is reverted as soon as you run 'ddev drush cex -y' (and git show pending deletion).
Am I right in thinking this is a bug, as the view actually has no dependency that's not already met?
If not any suggestions to resolve would be greatly appreciated!