Patch for 1.25
The patch from #3 does not work with svg_image 3.1.0. Here is an adjusted patch.
hosterholz β created an issue.
Rerolled #121 to 10.3.x
hosterholz β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
Patch 17 works.
Rerolled #120 to 11.x and replaced deprecated function assertObjectHasAttribute.
Rerolled #117 to 10.2.x
Merge request !38 solves the issue.
You cannot use composer-patches to make changes to the autoloader. See Non-patchable targets. The patch needs to be applied before the installation.
What you need to do is install the theme from the Issue-Repository including the changes to composer.json:
composer config repositories.bootstrap-3369979 git
composer require drupal/bootstrap:dev-3369979-drupal-10.1-breaks
Tested MR !29. Works.
hosterholz β created an issue.
hosterholz β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
I can reproduce the issue. Proposed patch solves the problem.