🇫🇷France @Papa Ours

Account created on 3 February 2020, about 5 years ago

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🇫🇷France Papa Ours Paris

Here is the same usefull patch but working for the 2.x version of the module

🇫🇷France Papa Ours Paris

I'm having a similar issue with a File field.
The sites have 2 languages: English and French.
English is the main language, but for the content generating an issue, French version has been contributed first, so the "Original language" is French.
When synchronizing the English version first, the "Original language" becomes the English on the slave site and the File field is empty, but the File contributed in the French version of the master content has been synchronized.
Also, if I first synchronize the English File himself, it is correctly referenced in the English content when synchronized after.

🇫🇷France Papa Ours Paris

here is a more accurate patch which also fix an incompatibility with google_tag module on conditions.

🇫🇷France Papa Ours Paris

Thank you very much, really appreciated.

🇫🇷France Papa Ours Paris

For those who, like me, use composer for their Drupal management, here is a patch that works with composer and version 2.0.0 of the module.

🇫🇷France Papa Ours Paris


Is it possible to have a patch including all your work and working with current last version 8.x-2.0-rc4 ?

I was using https://git.drupalcode.org/project/form_mode_manager/-/merge_requests/8.patch last week and it was working nice but no more now.


🇫🇷France Papa Ours Paris

The patch doesn't apply when used in composer.json, because Drupal.org packaging added some information at the end of the info.xml file.
Here is a "working with composer" patch version.

🇫🇷France Papa Ours Paris

Thank you very much, it worked for me.

When will this be included in a new release ?
I have added it as a patch for the moment.

Production build 0.71.5 2024