Seems this branch needs a rebase.
The patch and the diff form the MR are not applying anymore.
Seems this was an issue where I messed up by trusting too much in the linters.
@_shy identified the issue and we just merged a fix.
I will release a new version.
For iframes or videos you'd need to add the correct filter in your text format settings if you haven't done this when testing with the submodule for iframes. But we'll have a look into the blocks too.
You used content blocks right? Or did you add a block programmatically?
The branch needs a rebase as the patches don't apply anymore, but it seems this is a little more complicated.
There are conflicts in (s)css files where someone needs to evaluate which changes to keep and trying to use npm install throws errors, so I can't even compile the merged scss.
Maybe someone how has more insight in this issue and has the project set up already can rebase the branch and provide a new patch?
git rebase 1.0.x
Auto-merging css/bs_example_classes/border-classes.css
Auto-merging css/general-styles.css
Auto-merging css/themes/dark.css
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in css/themes/dark.css
Auto-merging css/themes/light.css
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in css/themes/light.css
Auto-merging scss/general-styles.scss
Auto-merging scss/themes/dialog/components/_off-canvas.inlineblock.scss
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in scss/themes/dialog/components/_off-canvas.inlineblock.scss
error: could not apply a0ed6f7... 3353004: Clean up UI for 1x branch.
The last information I have from @Blanca.Esqueda is that she already wanted to do a d10 release about a month ago and that she is waiting for some features some other developers are currently working on.
As I didn't get any replies on new messages, I don't know what the current status is.
But my colleague informed me about another module
single_content_sync →
which already has a d10 release and provided everything we needed for our use case.
Maybe this might help some of you which are in need of content sync features for d10. It doesn't support commerce products out of the box though and some other more special field types. But it can be extended.
Can someone test if this working correctly on Drupal 11 with the opened merge request?
Rebased and merged. Thanks!
I couldn't get eslint checks running as intended.
It's a known issue with extending eslint configs. →
So for now I specified another .eslintrc.json to extend.
This leads to issues when working locally on the project as this .eslintrc.json can't be found there while not used in a complete drupal setup, but at least checks are passing now.
Should be refactored in the future if a solution is found in the mentioned issue.
Thanks for the hint!
Didn't know that module.
But maybe we can provide other helpful features in this project in the future.
Added a link to the fences module in the description.
Rebased the branch, fixed the last phpcs issues and merged the branch. Pipelines are all green now.
Added this info to the project description too.
Guido_S → changed the visibility of the branch 3429018-automated-drupal-11 to hidden.
Thanks for fixing this and sorry for the late reply. Have been very busy lately.
Guido_S → changed the visibility of the branch 3432053-fix-coding-standards to hidden.
I tried using a drush command with this merge request applied and the drupal 10 compatibility issue merge request applied, but it seems this is not working correctly yet.
cli-drupal:/app$ drush cse --entity-types=node --files=base64
Differences of the active content to the export directory:
| Collection | Content Name | Operation |
Do you want to export? (yes/no) [yes]:
It never shows any differences although I never exported any content (also skipped the snapshot on installation as it would take hours to enable the module). Exporting and importing single content items via the UI seems to work fine though.
@Blanca.Esqueda This issue could be closed in favor of Drupal 10 compatibility update 📌 Drupal 10 compatibility update RTBC as this also includes those changes in its merge request.
You can use this on integer, float or decimal fields as a formatter in the manage display settings of entities (like nodes) or I think also in views with those field types.
If you need more details, let me know so I can look it up and maybe provide images.
I'm working with drush commands the first time here so I'm not 100% sure what needs to be checked and done in total.
I checked the Drush 12 documentation for this as drush 12 is in use on Drupal 10.
Things I've done so far to give you a starting point to work with:
- Changed folder structure and file name (also in
- Completed the create method as many of the containers were missing
- Fixed PHP Code Sniffer issues
- Used PHP Attributes instead of Annotations as Drush recommends using this if PHP 8+ is used
I didn't change any code inside the functions (apart from phpcs fixes).
I'm not sure about the requirements that need to be set in composer.json
Proper usage description for the commands is still missing.
I'm also not sure if some of the function code can be improved or needs to be changed since drush introduced new functions for yaml files for example.
Added config for phpcs and disabled eslint checking as we don't have javascript in the project currently.
Merged and might open an issue for phpcs if something comes up.
Thanks everybody!
Updated for drupal 11 compatibility and improved texts.
Merged and will be released after some more testing.
I updated the project description with better installation instructions.
Did you install the library correctly?
If you are using composer merge plugin, you find instructions for this in the project description.
You could also download and add it manually to the libraries folder of your project.
We tested it with Version 2.4.2 but newer versions might also work.
countUp.js Releases
Make sure the file shown in the error message exists in your libraries folder.
We will update the project description with better instructions about the implementation of this library.
And we might implement some checks in code providing a better error handling for this case.
I applied coding standards to all files in the project and added a phpcs.xml for this project.
phpcs -v coookies_addons
resulted in 0 warnings and 0 errors.
Project needs to be tested if nothing is broken after those code changes.
Good point.
I checked the merge request.
Code makes sense to me.
I only suggested small changes for the comments to improve grammar and understandability.
New release with this feature is available now.
Merged and will create a new release and update the module description.
I implemented this feature and opened a merge request for it.
Please test the area plugin for all provided entity types.
I had this error even when viewing the frontpage and not editing the content.
Applying the diff of the merge request as patch in composer solved the issue.
My Drupal version is 10.2.3.
We need to check if the core version requirements in the info file need to be changed for this. I currently don't know if the NodePermissions class existed in Drupal 8 and only the bundle permissions trait was added later or something like that.
I added it like that and opened a merge request.
Please test if everything works as expected.
I think the publication_date module solved this in a good way using permission callbacks in its permissions.yml and then extending the NodePermissions class.
- \Drupal\publication_date\PublicationDateNodePermissions::nodeTypePermissions
use Drupal\node\Entity\NodeType;
use Drupal\node\NodePermissions;
* Permissions to "Published On" field.
class PublicationDateNodePermissions extends NodePermissions {
* Returns an array of node type permissions.
* @return array
* The node type permissions.
* @see \Drupal\user\PermissionHandlerInterface::getPermissions()
protected function buildPermissions(NodeType $type): array {
$type_id = $type->id();
$type_params = ['%type_name' => $type->label()];
return [
"set $type_id published on date" => [
'title' => $this->t('Modify %type_name "Published On" date.', $type_params),
'description' => $this->t('Change the "Published On" date for this content type.'),
Something like this could be used here too.
You can also add a phpcs.xml to the project. →
Yes me neither. I guess only @alansaviolobo has enough permissions to edit the project page, create new releases etc.?
I'm aware of this, but I can't use dev versions on a production system, so I'm happy the two patches apply to the current released version.
But it would be great if it just could be merged and released so that there is no need for patches.
Especially as the module is marked as d10 compatible when it leads to a WSOD on Drupal 10.1
The diff or patch of the merge request both don't apply to version 3.0.1 in my project.
Applying both patches #30 and #31 worked though and solved my WSOD.
Thanks for the info, a.dmitriiev!
Then those settings should get a better description as it currently says:
List of fields to exclude from the frontend editing. One field per line. Format: entity_type.bundle.field_name
And nothing about just removing the wrapper and disabling ajax updating for this field.
This wrapper is a huge problem for me too.
It actually breaks my site as it changes the structure of the variables in twig and adds a new layer to them.
That way I can't access field contents in twig anymore.
The structure should really stay the same for logged in and logged out users.
Some simplified code example:
{% for key, item in content.field_accordion_section|filter((value, key) => key|first != '#') %}
{{ item['#paragraph'].field_accordion_section_title.value }}
{% endfor %}
If logged out, everything is fine.
But if I'm logged in, the site is broken as item['#paragraph'] isn't available anymore because the structure of item changed completely due to the added depth / wrapper.
I still want to use frontend editing on this field, so disabling it in the settings is not an option for me.
But with the current wrapper implementation this module is of no use to me as it breaks everything.
Error: Call to undefined method Drupal\commerce_product\Entity\Product::getType() in Drupal\rate\Plugin\views\field\RateWidgetField->render() (line 163 of modules/contrib/rate/src/Plugin/views/field/RateWidgetField.php).
I think this is the error. (At least I'm getting this error on Drupal 9.5.9)
I rerolled the patch from #15 and resolved merge conflicts in the rebase process which occurred in the custom_search_theme_registry_alter() function. Those conflicts were a result from replaced deprecated functions.
So I removed the lines just like patch #15 did.
The rerolled patch should apply to 8.x-1.0-beta9
Patch #15 doesn't apply to beta-9 and search-result.html.twig in my theme won't get used although it's the suggested file name.
So the patch needs at least a reroll.
In some cases Bootstrap 5 also changed classes from "left" to "start" and "right" to "end".
#drupal-off-canvas .field-text-alignment .fieldset-wrapper > div > div input + label .input-icon[class*="left"],
#layout-builder-modal .field-text-alignment .fieldset-wrapper > div > div input + label .input-icon[class*="left"] {
background-image: url("../../images/plugins/text-alignment/text-left.svg");
#drupal-off-canvas .field-text-alignment .fieldset-wrapper > div > div input + label .input-icon[class*="right"],
#layout-builder-modal .field-text-alignment .fieldset-wrapper > div > div input + label .input-icon[class*="right"] {
background-image: url("../../images/plugins/text-alignment/text-right.svg");
So [class*="start"] and [class*="end"] need to be added. Maybe there are more cases like this.
Thx Rajab, #23 works for me on 1.1.0 and helped a lot with styling!
I'm facing the error in version 2.1.1 too.
As long as I haven't selected any column layout for the breakpoints, I just get an error message but it seems in the background the section is created anyways. You just can't see it yet on the page. And everytime you try to add the new section, you create another one in the background until I select some column layouts. Then the page updates and you see all the unintentionally created sections at once.
PHP 7 has reached its end of life, so this guide doesn't work anymore for up-to-date server environments.
It needs to be updated as soon as degov provides a PHP 8 compatible installation process.