When Office Hours are closed for the current day the Next Open Day works.
When Office Hours are set to be open on the Same Day then Next Open Day displays Current Day
I had the wrong field displayed in the body.
The correct field is now displayed in the body and set to Next Open Day and has the same issue, showing the current date. The issue I am having is in both views and node display for the Next Day formatter.
Here is a screen shot of my view block.
Today is Friday
On the left in the body is the display formatter of the Office Hours field.
The Next open day is correct in the body display.
On the right is a view block with 3 Office Hours Fileds.
1. Status
2. Next Open Day (showing current day - broken)
3. The Office hours timeslots
I will do a clean install and test it again. Maybe the multiple fields in the block is causing the issues.
vlooi vlerke → created an issue.
vlooi vlerke → created an issue.
vlooi vlerke → created an issue.
Enabling "Internal Page Cache" module fix this issue for localhost
It will break the secret file system on a live site.
See issue https://www.drupal.org/project/social/issues/3478486 🐛 Secret local files cache does not update for public users Active
Make sure "Internal Page Cache" is disabled to fix this issue.
Also see issue https://www.drupal.org/project/social/issues/3458509 🐛 Aggregate JavaScript files breaks buttons on pages Needs review
Trying to edit the simple mebeship type gives this error on saving the default type created by the example module
Error message
The workflow definition is not valid. Please check your YAML syntax.
Noting to select in workflow state.
vlooi vlerke → created an issue.
vlooi vlerke → created an issue.
vlooi vlerke → created an issue.
I can now access /admin/structure/simple_membership_type/add
but get this error on save.
The website encountered an unexpected error. Try again later.
TypeError: Drupal\simple_membership\Entity\SimpleMembershipType::setSimpleWorkflow(): Argument #1 ($workflow) must be of type array, null given, called in \modules\contrib\simple_membership\src\Form\SimpleMembershipTypeForm.php on line 59 in Drupal\simple_membership\Entity\SimpleMembershipType->setSimpleWorkflow() (line 84 of modules\contrib\simple_membership\src\Entity\SimpleMembershipType.php).
To fix this issue make the following changes
$fields['user_id'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('entity_reference')
->setLabel(t('Authored by'))
->setDescription(t('The user ID of author of the Product entity.'))
->setSetting('target_type', 'user')
->setSetting('handler', 'default')
- ->setDisplayOptions('view', [
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- ])
- ->setDisplayOptions('form', [
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- ])
->setDisplayConfigurable('form', TRUE)
->setDisplayConfigurable('view', TRUE);
$fields['status'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('boolean')
->setLabel(t('Publishing status'))
->setDescription(t('A boolean indicating whether the Product is published.'))
- ->setDisplayOptions('form', [
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- ]);
+ ;
$fields['cost'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('float')
->setDescription(t('Product cost.'))
->setDisplayOptions('view', [
'label' => 'above',
- 'type' => 'float',
+ 'type' => 'number_decimal',
'weight' => -3,
->setDisplayConfigurable('form', TRUE)
->setDisplayConfigurable('view', TRUE)
$fields['store'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('entity_reference')
->setDescription(t('The store this product belongs to.'))
->setSetting('target_type', 'store')
->setSetting('handler', 'default')
->setDisplayOptions('form', [
'type' => 'entity_reference_select',
'weight' => -3,
- ->setDisplayOptions('view', [
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- ])
->setDisplayConfigurable('form', TRUE)
->setDisplayConfigurable('view', TRUE)
vlooi vlerke → created an issue.
This above error is a plugin module error. On a clean install plugin did not cause this error when installing simple membership
vlooi vlerke → created an issue.
vlooi vlerke → created an issue.
vlooi vlerke → created an issue.
vlooi vlerke → created an issue.
vlooi vlerke → created an issue.
I get this error when installing simple membership module.
InvalidArgumentException: The plugin type definition "plugin_configuration_schema_id" item references the configuration schema "advancedqueue.backend.[id]" ("advancedqueue.backend.[id]"), which does not exist. in Drupal\plugin\PluginType\PluginType->__construct() (line 151 of \modules\contrib\plugin\src\PluginType\PluginType.php).
unable to install the module
Drupal 10.3
PHP 8.1
It works great!
Vlooi Vlerke → created an issue.
Vlooi Vlerke → created an issue.
This does not work for D10
Still interested in this feature 10 years later...
Any idea how this can be implemented?
Vlooi Vlerke → created an issue.
Enabling "Internal Page Cache" module fix this issue.
Vlooi Vlerke → created an issue.
Just to confirm
({{ order_entity.getPlacedTime|format_date('html_date') }})
Vlooi Vlerke → created an issue.
Vlooi Vlerke → created an issue.
I add the GTM-xxxxxx ID and then save.
It briefly appears as a collapsed field set under advanced settings but then disaster and the id fields return to an empty field.
G-xxxx and GT-xxxxx ids work but GTM-xxxx does not
to get rid of
Uncaught TypeError: $context.find(...).once is not a function
change line 30:
$context.find('input[data-drupal-date-format]').once('datePicker').each(function ()
$(once('input[data-drupal-date-format]', 'datePicker', context.find)) .each(function () {
This removes the error but it is not fixing the issue. Date picker is not loaded and a user can not select a date.
tried adding - core/once as a dependency but did not work
To Fix: Uncaught ReferenceError: Modernizr is not defined at timeslots.js
js/timeslots.js: {}
css/timeslots.css: {}
- core/jquery
- core/drupal.date
+ - core/modernizr
- jquery_ui_datepicker/datepicker
To: commerce_timeslots.libraries.yml
Clear cache.
This will fix the error but the next error will apper
Uncaught TypeError: $context.find(...).once is not a function
Removing the call for Modernizer reveals more errors
Uncaught TypeError: $context.find(...).once is not a function
line 30: $context.find('input[data-drupal-date-format]').once('datePicker').each(function ()
Uncaught TypeError: $(...).find(...).findOnce is not a function
Line:99 $(context).find('input[data-drupal-date-format]').findOnce('datePicker').datepicker('destroy');
Vlooi Vlerke → created an issue.
Tested and it works great, thank you :)
Vlooi Vlerke → created an issue.
Vlooi Vlerke → created an issue.
It turns out a permission setting was missing.
Add the following to expense_tracker.permissions.yml
administer expense_tracker:
title: 'Administer expense and income data'
A new permission will be available to select and this will give you access to set the author.
The code this permission executes is in place at src/EtTransactionAccessControlHandler.php
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function checkFieldAccess($operation, FieldDefinitionInterface $field_definition, AccountInterface $account, FieldItemListInterface $items = NULL) {
$restricted_fields = [
if ($operation === 'edit' && in_array($field_definition->getName(), $restricted_fields, TRUE)) {
return AccessResult::allowedIfHasPermission($account, 'administer expense_tracker');
return parent::checkFieldAccess($operation, $field_definition, $account, $items);
Vlooi Vlerke → created an issue.
Hi Andrei
I don't have that type of skills. And D10 has a new way using ajax.
I have no use for this module, I was just playing around. I build a bookable commerce site in D7 years ago and was just wondering what is new. I was looking at some other booking modules and what I like about your module is the way the timeslots are used inside commerce.
Commerce offers views for Cart display, Order Summery...
I was thinking if your widget could have an option to select a view to display timeframes available rather than a select widget?
Then developers can create selectable timeframes that looks like this using Calendar Views → or Views Simple timeline →
Or just a simple HTML list of timeframes grouped by Timeslot dates.
Fields: Timeslot date, Timeframes, Capacity and a book button field
Filters: Timeslot, Timeslot date, Timeframes. (the date and time can the be filtered like +2 days, or +12 hours, to show only what is available in the next few days or hours)
Is Timeslot Bookings page generated by views?
I tried to look at a way to relate timeslots in commerce order views and order item views but was unsuccessful.
This is unrelated to the widget. I was just looking at how this module works.
E.g show a list to store owner 2 of order items (products) belonging to him to prepared for pickup before timeframe starts.
You would be able to create shuttle bookings to Tea time sandwich deliveries
Maybe even book a seat in a theater
I can help test and build some views if you think its worth going the views direction.
Kind regards
Vlooi Vlerke → created an issue.
Vlooi Vlerke → created an issue.
I have no issues with taxonomy term reference fields used on "node" content types. They work.
I did the following tests, I recreated the demo but used different entity types.
node (task content type demo) - no errors
user (user entity with user task fields) - no errors
storage (storage entity type with storage task fields) - no errors
Taxonomy (vocabulary with term task fields) - dragg error
Profile (profile entity with profile task fields) - dragg error
You right it does not make sense to use terms as tasks, same goes for profile entities.
Storage entity works great as it does not clutter the "node" content with loads of tasks and all tasks can be managed thru storage content admin.
Thanks, this is a great module
Vlooi Vlerke → created an issue.
Thanks, got it working.
My /admin/commerce/config/checkout-flows default message is using custom text.
I have set my text editor to use Full HTML and then cleared the cache after saving the new conformation message.
Hope that helps
Vlooi Vlerke → created an issue.
If you don't experience this Drupal 10 issue 🐛 Use Drupal's RouteObjectInterface Fixes Drupal 10 compatibility Needs review in expense tracker then you will not have this reported issue.
This bug is only active after fixing the above issue.
This code fix the chart display.
+ (function($, Drupal, drupalSettings, once) {
Drupal.behaviors.testimonials = {
attach: function(context, settings) {
+ $(once('testimonials', context)).each(function(element) {
+ }(jQuery, Drupal, drupalSettings, once));
Vlooi Vlerke → created an issue.
Vlooi Vlerke → created an issue.
Vlooi Vlerke → created an issue.
Adding a Task
Sorting Tasks
Vlooi Vlerke → created an issue.
I use the latest Firefox 115.0.2 (64-bit)
I tested Microsoft Edge Version 114.0.1823.82 (Official build) (64-bit) and got the same error message in the console.
Uncaught ReferenceError: NULL is not defined at later (burndown.backlog.js?v=10.1.1:233:13)
later @ burndown.backlog.js?v=10.1.1:233
setTimeout (async) (anonymous) @ burndown.backlog.js?v=10.1.1:239
onSort @ burndown.backlog.js?v=10.1.1:33
W @ Sortable.min.js?v=1.15.0:2
U @ Sortable.min.js?v=1.15.0:2
_onDrop @ Sortable.min.js?v=1.15.0:2
Is it possible to populate → the uri field from the url?
I tried using the populate module →
If you can populate the uri then you can hide it from non admin users.
This has nothing to do with entity reference but will assist amateurs in creating dir_listing nodes on the fly with no token support.
Is this feasible, should I create a separate feature request?
The patch fix the sort issue but it does not save the sort weights after a set time.
Error message: Uncaught ReferenceError: NULL is not defined
see comment #5 🐛 Make backlog and sprint areas sortable. Needs review
Vlooi Vlerke → created an issue.
The patch fix the sort issue but it does not save the sort weights after a set time.
Uncaught ReferenceError: NULL is not defined
later /modules/contrib/burndown/js/burndown.backlog.js?v=10.0.7:233
setTimeout handler*attach/debounce/< /modules/contrib/burndown/js/burndown.backlog.js?v=10.0.7:239
onSort /modules/contrib/burndown/js/burndown.backlog.js?v=10.0.7:33
W /core/assets/vendor/sortable/Sortable.min.js?v=1.15.0:2
U /core/assets/vendor/sortable/Sortable.min.js?v=1.15.0:2
_onDrop /core/assets/vendor/sortable/Sortable.min.js?v=1.15.0:2
handleEvent /core/assets/vendor/sortable/Sortable.min.js?v=1.15.0:2
h /core/assets/vendor/sortable/Sortable.min.js?v=1.15.0:2
_onDragStart /core/assets/vendor/sortable/Sortable.min.js?v=1.15.0:2
h /core/assets/vendor/sortable/Sortable.min.js?v=1.15.0:2
_triggerDragStart /core/assets/vendor/sortable/Sortable.min.js?v=1.15.0:2
o /core/assets/vendor/sortable/Sortable.min.js?v=1.15.0:2
_prepareDragStart /core/assets/vendor/sortable/Sortable.min.js?v=1.15.0:2
_onTapStart /core/assets/vendor/sortable/Sortable.min.js?v=1.15.0:2
h /core/assets/vendor/sortable/Sortable.min.js?v=1.15.0:2
Bt /core/assets/vendor/sortable/Sortable.min.js?v=1.15.0:2
attach /modules/contrib/burndown/js/burndown.backlog.js?v=10.0.7:26
jQuery 2
attach /contrib/burndown/js/burndown.backlog.js?v=10.0.7:9
attachBehaviors /core/misc/drupal.js?v=10.0.7:166
attachBehaviors /core/misc/drupal.js?v=10.0.7:162
listener /core/misc/drupal.init.js?v=10.0.7:20
domReady /core/misc/drupal.init.js?v=10.0.7:26
The same bug is in burndown.board.js
fallbackOnBody: TRUE,
Uncaught ReferenceError: NULL is not defined
Vlooi Vlerke → created an issue.
The same issue is on the project board page
Uncaught TypeError: $(...).once is not a function
attach /modules/contrib/burndown/js/burndown.board.js?v=10.0.7:11
attachBehaviors /core/misc/drupal.js?v=10.0.7:166
attachBehaviors /core/misc/drupal.js?v=10.0.7:162
<anonymous> /core/misc/drupal.init.js?v=10.0.7:32
listener /core/misc/drupal.init.js?v=10.0.7:20
Vlooi Vlerke → created an issue.
Vlooi Vlerke → created an issue.
Vlooi Vlerke → created an issue.
Vlooi Vlerke → created an issue.
Vlooi Vlerke → created an issue.
Update dev-3.x (4557ac5) to dev-3.x (7c2042a) and now it works :)
Vlooi Vlerke → created an issue.
I have the same issue
When I set email handler to send when draft I get an email but the status is set to "initialize"
After completing the order and payment is made no webform submissions is send to user to confirm payment, only commers order email is sent.
How do you set webform product to send email to customer after successful payment?
The issue was caused not by this module but by webform product module that adds a URI to the checkout process.
It works as expected
Here is a step by step report on how to reproduce this bug on a new install.
1. Install commerce stripe with composer (composer did not install the stripe library)
2. Download stripe library and place it in the libraries/stripe-php folder
3. Create a stripe payment method
Add test keys
Deselect - Collect billing information
4. Purchase a product and select Stripe payment method
Add test card details
5. Review payment
6. Click on pay and proceed
The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.
The error logs
Type commerce_order
User Anonymous (not verified)
Location /checkout/6/payment
Referrer /checkout/6/review
Message InvalidArgumentException: The URI '' is invalid. You must use a valid URI scheme. in Drupal\Core\Url::fromUri() (line 293 of C:\wamp64\www\lovevolution\public_html\core\lib\Drupal\Core\Url.php).
Second error
Type php
User Anonymous (not verified)
Location /checkout/6/payment
Referrer /checkout/6/review
Message Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException: The URI '' is invalid. You must use a valid URI scheme. in Drupal\Core\Entity\Sql\SqlContentEntityStorage->save() (line 815 of C:\wamp64\www\lovevolution\public_html\core\lib\Drupal\Core\Entity\Sql\SqlContentEntityStorage.php).