yabikami → created an issue.
Same Issue here
yabikami → created an issue.
I meant the edit form.
yabikami → created an issue.
I understand that utilising the solution such as managing content and sidebars within the main content region is a good one. I'm planning to use modules like group blocks or mini layouts to create sidebars with widgets as blocks and integrate them into the layout's sidebar section for specific content types.
However, I had hoped for a more streamlined solution that could work solely with Drupal core functionalities.
Thank you.
yabikami → created an issue.
yabikami → created an issue.
This error still exist making the usage of the module impossible :
An AJAX HTTP error occurred.
HTTP Result Code: 200
Debugging information follows.
Path: /admin/structure/views/ajax/display/layout_content/block_1/style_options
StatusText: parsererror
ResponseText: TypeError: count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, null given in count() (line 64 of .../web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Render/Element/Checkboxes.php)."
is it related to this issue : https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3252288 🐛 Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, null given in count() (line 57 of core/lib/Drupal/Core/Render/Element/Radios.php). Needs work
yabikami → created an issue. See original summary → .
yabikami → created an issue.
Understood, but your solution doesn't conform to layout logic. For example, if you were to add a field for a title, it would end up outside the section container. Consequently, styles like padding and background won't be applied to the title because it won't be a child of the layout section.
The only simplest and viable solution for me at the moment is to create a separate paragraph bundle. If you have any other solutions, I'd appreciate hearing them.
Thank you (Merci).
I think it is a misconfiguration from the beginning of the project, I have uninstall schema.org taxonomy and delete its config and reinstall it and it fix the issue. thanks
Layouts are not fieldable, Paragraphs are inside Layout so you can't talk about field here.
You can achieve this by creating a heading component. but it can be good if there is a way to add it to the section layout configuration.
yabikami → created an issue.
yabikami → created an issue.
Having the same issue, the patch can not be merged
This still not fixed modules are missing
yabikami → created an issue.
This is very important feature. In CKEditor is it a success but the for the Media Entity nothing.... responsive_image or image should have a Figcaption tag with a caption from the image field ... if you add a custom field, its rendered out of the image field.
Patch worked perfectly thanks
yabikami → created an issue.
drush en dev_mode - triggers the following error D8/D9/D10
Yes Your are right, I have change the settings and its works thanks
but as this is the default composer scaffolded from drupal.org I think its better to specify it in the readme of the module
yabikami → created an issue.
OK, I will do it like you suggested.
the VideoObject Type will remain Media and The video node will page a WebPage Type, and I will write a code on node create and node edit to update the Url propriety value of the VideoObject with the Url alias of the node.
Thank You @jrockowitz for this incredible Module
yabikami → created an issue.
yabikami → created an issue.
yabikami → created an issue. See original summary → .
You are right, adding font-awesome or any third-party icon CDN is a big performance issue.