Account created on 17 December 2018, about 6 years ago

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This merged (MR!6) does not provide a solution for using Json-LD UI with user entity.
There is still no Json-LD UI part in user entity interface.

You need to customize your content templates in your theme.

For example,
add {{ content.jsonld_schema }} to node.html.twig

For the warning you mentioned, here is a patch that may be useful for your issue.

#3413370-Deprecated Creation of dynamic property 🐛 Deprecated Creation of dynamic property Postponed: needs info

Try these solutions. 💬 RuntimeException: Adding non-existent permissions to a role is not allowed Active
or 🐛 Faulty configuration results in WSOD saving permissions Needs review

Of course, why not. The reason for preference here is that it offers more features than the core statistic module. Maybe, there is also the concern that these features may cause performance problems compared to the core statistic module. But, I haven't encountered any problems in my current tests.

As for ID (integer), take a look at the core statistic or node view count modules. They do a good job with ID.

I had tried the Path&Query method before, but I tried it again. Unfortunately, it doesn't work.
Ex : node/10/new-visits
No result.

Why did I mention the ID point? The reason is;
Let's say we will filter only the data belonging to node 10.
I embed the following view into the node twig.
{{ drupal_view('visitors_recent_visits', 'embed_1') }} or {{ drupal_view('visitors_recent_visits', 'block_5') }}.
Or using a view block working with path&query filter.
I tried different filters or path and query parameters, it doesn't work.
Or maybe I missed it.

But if there was an ID option, I could customize the data I wanted and show it in twig, in block or with a different url..
Anyway, I really respect your work and approach. I guess there's nothing to do. I will try to move forward with your path.

Hi @bluegeek9,
Thanks for reply.
Actually I want to leave the core statistics module(deprecated in Drupal 10.3) and use visitor in most future projects.
I know it's a different perspective but the scenario requires it. Currently, "path" way in contextual filter is not solution to filter "specific node" data in views.Since it is not filtered, all other visit data comes through as well.
I guess I have no choice but to wait for the next updates for the scenario above...
I am also following the related issues. If I can create a solution, I will share it.
Thanks again.

The latest status(*) should be considered as a support or bug report. Because mail notifications are not working as designed.

It works for new ECK types created after patching.

Test for types created before the patching.

Drupal\Core\Entity\Query\QueryException: No revision table for eck_2_type, invalid query. in Drupal\Core\Entity\Query\Sql\Query->prepare() (line 99 of /var/www/html/local6site/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/Query/Sql/Query.php).

Testing with workflow

If your existing eck type has content moderation workflow;

Drupal\Core\Database\DatabaseExceptionWrapper: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'mydatabase.dr_' doesn't exist: SELECT "base"."id" AS "id", "base"."type" AS "type", "base"."uuid" AS "uuid", "base"."langcode" AS "langcode" FROM "dr_eck_1_type" "base" INNER JOIN "dr_" "revision" ON "revision"."id" = "base"."id" AND "revision"."" IN (:revisionIds__0); Array ( [:revisionIds__0] => ) in Drupal\Core\Entity\Sql\SqlContentEntityStorage->doLoadMultipleRevisionsFieldItems() (line 624 of /var/www/html/local6site/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/Sql/SqlContentEntityStorage.php).

Tested with drupal 10.1.2 & PHP 8.1

OK, I found the problem.
I removed patch. I tested by removing all relations,c-filters or arguments on the view one by one.
It's funny :)) I finally found the source of the problem.The problem is not caused by another module.

The source of the problem:
If you are using a menu on view and configuring it as a menu tab, the above problem occurs.
I didn't test other menu options. Maybe only menu tab option or maybe whole view menu part causes this problem.

When you remove the menu, the problem disappears, but the menu is needed to get real efficiency with the module.If someone is using the module, it should be considered whether the patch actually fixes the problem or hides the warning.

Thanks, Have a good night

Hi jyraya ,
Sorry for the late answer.
There are lots of modules. It would be hard to give the whole list here.
Anyway, maybe it's because of this.
I am using Global: View area. In this area at views header. I am pulling some basic information of the logged-in user, which cannot be an access problem, where the information of the logged-in user is. Or not restricted fields for editor or admin. Simple fields like image,about information of logged-in user.
The purpose here is to allow the editor or admin to see a little more information about the profile related while they are looking at this view.But I don't think it's related to this part.

As you requested, I tested other view permissions( role, etc). There's no problem such as mention above.
If I find any other issues or relevant evidence, I'll post.

hi y'all,

I use this module in a scenario to show spesific node type to only author (current user) or editor/admin roles.
Author or editors willl see xnodes on user profile .
Thanks to Jyraya & Keshavv , the module solved my problem. The patch is working. There doesn't seem to be a problem at the moment.
I use it with "Current user or role(s) configuration" on Drupal 10.1.2 & PHP 8.1
view path like this : /user/%user/xnotes
Relationship: User (Require this relationship:YES)
Contextual filters:User ID (relationship:User) with settings: Provide default value >>(User ID from logged in user)

I used the default settings allowed by the module, I didn't change anything else.
I don't know what else could cause it.

When someone adds you to a multi-user conversation, how do you leave that message thread? What should you do if you don't want to disable the private message completely but want to leave this thread?
Since you cannot leave, you continue to receive all the message notifications that you do not want.

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