Any news on that one?
Integration with Drupal Ai Translate AI service done
Now paragraphs are translated in real time like other fields :)
Hi @blacksnipe,
i've tested and it seems work, you just need to reload the page twice to get paragraphs translated, this is because the code save the paragraph entity when load the translation form page, so the first time you don't get the translation, i'll try to find a solution to that issue.
The workaround to get it wok is to reload the form translation page twice and paragraphs will be translated.
Best regards
Can you also try with Gin or Stark admin theme?
hi @wouters_f,
Any update on the above?
Best reegards
Hi @blacksnipe,
Could you specify Drupal and Module version and admin theme used? becouse the module is tested up to drupal 11 and paragraphs translation is supported so if not work in specific case we need to classify this as Bug not Feature request.
Thanks for your feedbacks!
Best regards
Hi @kopeboy,
thanks to notice, i've fixed parametrinzing using route name and markup to render the link.
Best regards
Hi @wouters_f,
Yes it support paragraphs by default in reference entity field (that is not translatable field as per suggested config) and also if configured improperly in translatable entity reference fields.
Tested with default Drupal Admin theme, with Gin theme and CivicTheme
Best regards
bigbabert → created an issue.
Please give feedback on the implementation! kind regards
Hi @wouters_f do you have suggestions or tips about what to integrate from AI module? eg. an api or service
Thank in advance
Hi @wouters_f sure think to work on!
bigbabert → created an issue.
This was successful tested
bigbabert → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
I've tested the changes and it is ok, merged and added the fix to new release of the module, 9.1.6
bigbabert → created an issue.
bigbabert → created an issue.
hi @matslats,
i refer to the module content_translation, and it is already present as dependency, above a screen of the path, maybe it is generated in PHP and you will never found the full string, but the dependency is correctly declared, and the path is available when you enable translation on content types.
So i'm going to change status of the issue to "needs review" and priority "minor", add your feedbacks and update it.
Best regards
Hi @matslats,
can i ask further details? have you installed translation from core? this path is the path provided by core when you translate a node. i'll check this weekend if is missing the dependency or if will be needed to re-declare the internal admin path for nodes translation.
Best regards
Hi @kalpanajaiswal thank for the notice, i'll fix this weekend, not adding dependency but adding the control if media module is enabled before the relative translation logic.
bigbabert → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
I've tested latest patch and work good!
there is a way to anonymize username and email stored in Drupal from auth0?
Thanks for the support
bigbabert → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.