🇫🇷France @sgostanyan

Account created on 4 April 2018, about 6 years ago

Recent comments

🇫🇷France sgostanyan

Thanks for reporting that issue.

Could you please try 6.1.0-rc1 release if it fixes your issue.

🇫🇷France sgostanyan

Remove deprecated instruction

🇫🇷France sgostanyan


This issue has been fixed : https://www.drupal.org/project/media_pdf_thumbnail/issues/3292862 🐛 Huge Temporary files Magick Fixed

Updating to version 6.0 should fix the problem.

🇫🇷France sgostanyan

Could you confirm that the attached patch is working.
Instead of using filesystem to get the realpath, it uses the stream wrapper. In the case of the streamwrapper is unable to give a realpath, the file uri is used to instanciate the Pdf object.

🇫🇷France sgostanyan

The module requires at least spatie/pdf-to-image v1.4.0 for 5.x and v2.1.0 for 6.x. So no needs to update.

Thanks :)

🇫🇷France sgostanyan

Change summary

🇫🇷France sgostanyan

Could you please update to version 6 and refer to the documentation

If you still encounter the same problem, feel free to reopen the issue.

🇫🇷France sgostanyan

I'm closing that issue because it doesn't seem to be a bug but just a configuration ununderstanding.
Please update to version 6 and refer to the documentation

🇫🇷France sgostanyan

Image format selection has been introduced in version 6 Usage in Media view mode

Thanks for your report

🇫🇷France sgostanyan

Could you please tell where you find that setLayerMethod has been removed ? It seems to still exists, maybe I have missed something.


🇫🇷France sgostanyan

Many thanks for you report !

All points should have been fixed in the rc2 release.

🇫🇷France sgostanyan

Add image destination hook alter

🇫🇷France sgostanyan

Add settings doc

🇫🇷France sgostanyan

Yes pdf-to-image goes into "vendor" ;)

The upgrade process is good but the updb has to be run after enabling the module.

Just for being sure, when you say "Changed all displays", you mean Media entity view modes, right ? So I understand you are rendering thumbnail field throught the whole Media entity render ? I'm asking this because some people confuse entity render et single field render.
For example in the admin media list page /admin/content/media which is a page built with Views (field render), settings made in Media view modes won't work.

Could you please have a look on this, just in case ?

🇫🇷France sgostanyan

spatie/pdf-to-image should be installed with composer

Could you give details about how you configured settings (all steps) ?

Also what is your version of imagick, php and drupal core ?

The fact that there is no error probably means the field is not handled by the module (config issue or way of use)

🇫🇷France sgostanyan

Thanks for proposing that feature.

The generation in cron/queue has been added in version 6.x but in a different way. The formatter itself get that option, the Media "Queue thumbnail downloads" is not used for two reasons.
The first one is because we decided to let users to use the queueing system separately for each formatter in each view mode, for a finnest configuration.
The second one is because some people use that module for other entities than Media. It works for any fields (usage of any image field with any file field) in any entity, so we want that users have also the opportunity to take advantage of that feature.

As version 6.x is still in beta, that patch will be usefull for those who want cron/queue feature for now. But it will not be included in 5.x release for avoiding confusion when upgrading to version 6.

King regards

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