Please see π Protected Submissions has been renamed as Protected Forms Active
Today's change on Backdrop needs to be ported to Drupal: Disable native honeypot method if standalone Honeypot module is enabled
Miscellaneous Symbols it is. Please enable that one and give another try as semicolon and similar symbols are not part of Latin language scripts.
Could you please try enabling Special Characters language script and see if the problem still persists?
Any pattern in Reject Patterns will be rejected. Please use the dev branch of the module and place "freetime" in Allowed Patterns.
To get the dev branch use one of:
git clone --branch '2.0.x'
composer require 'drupal/protected_forms:2.0.x-dev@dev'
It's the same as already closed issue π type array|string is deprecated in _string_to_array Fixed Basically, you need to try dev version where this problem should have already been fixed.
Unfortunately, no time for even minor changes. As explained on β¨ Needs schema check and tests for all functionality Needs work we do not have any running Drupal 10 website with the module as our upstream branch is the Backdrop version on
Thanks for agreeing to co-maintain this module. I've just give you all maintainer privileges, including the "Administer maintainers", so please go ahead and add @Grevil or whomever you deem necessary to add. We have developed and keep maintained this module mainly for our Backdrop customer project, and because of Backdrop and Drupal 7 similarities the changes made on Backdrop are easy to quickly pass to Drupal 7. However, unfortunately Drupal 9/10 version is many features behind. So we do hope you can move all the new features from either Backdrop or Drupal 7 to Drupal 9/10.
Please make necessary changes on your local environment, test them well and if everything is working to your expectations, then file a PR. Thank you!
Unfortunately, no time for writing tests. Mind becoming a co-maintainer?
Thanks for PR. Merged.
Thanks for the work done. However, I'd love to hear we hear from other users of the module on this. Let's keep this open for now.
Could you please uninstall the module, remove its files and give a new try to 2.0.x-dev as the last changes should address the issue.
All issues must be filed against 2.0.x-dev. Feel free to re-open this ticket if it persists on 2.0.x-dev
Changing the status. Feel free to provide the exact steps on how to replicate the issue. Make sure you are using the right version.
Are you sure you are using 2.0.x-dev? Could not replicate the issue on a fresh install:
altagrade@d10-web:/var/www/html/web$ composer require 'drupal/protected_forms:2.0.x-dev@dev'
No composer.json in current directory, do you want to use the one at /var/www/html? [Y,n]? Y
Always want to use the parent dir? Use "composer config --global use-parent-dir true" to change the default.
./composer.json has been updated
Running composer update drupal/protected_forms
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies
Lock file operations: 1 install, 0 updates, 0 removals
- Locking drupal/protected_forms (dev-2.0.x 2280653)
Writing lock file
Installing dependencies from lock file (including require-dev)
Package operations: 1 install, 0 updates, 0 removals
- Syncing drupal/protected_forms (dev-2.0.x 2280653) into cache
- Installing drupal/protected_forms (dev-2.0.x 2280653): Cloning 2280653733 from cache
Generating autoload files
45 packages you are using are looking for funding.
Use the `composer fund` command to find out more!
altagrade@d10-web:/var/www/html/web$ drush en protected_forms
[success] Successfully enabled: protected_forms
Then saving via UI went through also successfully:
Again, please open any of the links listed above.
@cilefen, please open any of the above links to see the issue. The browser console shows the
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