Account created on 4 December 2017, over 6 years ago

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🇸🇮Slovenia nkoporec Slovenia

Tested this on one of the projects and I can confirm that it fixes the WSOD, setting this as RTBC.

🇸🇮Slovenia nkoporec Slovenia

Had the same issue, this happens if you don't configure the langcode for the single
language in system, which is located at admin/config/regional/language/detection/url , you need to add a prefix for the default language.

I'm also adding a patch that fixes the error, since its a fatal error if user doesn't configure that, so we need to add a check before adding a path prefix.

🇸🇮Slovenia nkoporec Slovenia

Looks good to me, setting as RTBC.

🇸🇮Slovenia nkoporec Slovenia

Tested this and indeed its working correctly, marking as RTBC.

🇸🇮Slovenia nkoporec Slovenia

I thing there is a bit of confusion on this issue, the issue is marked as version 8.x-2.x, so all MR / patches should be based on that and should apply to 8.x-2.x branch. The MR is doing exactly that and it is indeed applying correctly. So we need to test the MR #66, then it will be up to the maintainer if they are gonna support the D10 for the 8.x-2.x branch.

The #8 patch from @viniciusrp is based off 3.0.x branch , so that patch is not applying, furthermore the 3.0.x branch is already supporting D10 as you can see from this commit , so the patch is not needed.

🇸🇮Slovenia nkoporec Slovenia

The changes looks good, I also tested it by using the latest Open Social and set the CKEditor 5 editor. The styles are applying correctly. Marking this as RTBC.

🇸🇮Slovenia nkoporec Slovenia

The changes looks good, I also tested it by using the latest Open Social and set the CKEditor 5 editor. The styles are applying correctly. Marking this as RTBC.

🇸🇮Slovenia nkoporec Slovenia

Patch re-roll, this is still a temporary solution but it does work. Our use-case is also that we don't want users to access /user/login pages but we still want to login via Drush.

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