Account created on 13 June 2017, over 7 years ago

Merge Requests


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🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

I have created a new PR with an alternative implementation. The getRemotePaymentUrl method was added to the paypal_checkout payment gateway.

🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

chizh273 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

I have added compatibility fixes to support D10

🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

We can use the breakpoint core module instead of the media query string. In this case, all breakpoints will be defined in the yml files, and the site builders will choose which one they want to use in the select list.

🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

I have reproduced this issue partly, the [commerce_order:order_number] and [commerce_order:placed] tokens are empty when the product price is 0.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. create an email for the “Order paid“ event and use [commerce_order:order_number] and [commerce_order:placed] tokens in the body field
  2. create a product with 0 price (we need 0 price for \Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\Order::isPaid)
  3. add to the cart this product and complete the checkout
  4. you will receive email without [commerce_order:order_number] and [commerce_order:placed]

The problem here is related to the \Drupal\commerce_order\OrderStorage because \Drupal\commerce_order\Event\OrderEvents::ORDER_PAID event is called in the doOrderPreSave method and at that time we don’t have filled the order_number and placed fields yet.

These fields will be filled with \Drupal\commerce_order\EventSubscriber\TimestampEventSubscriber::onPlaceTransition and \Drupal\commerce_order\EventSubscriber\OrderNumberSubscriber::setOrderNumber on the event and this event is dispatched before order saving.

When I enabled the commerce_payment module and configured manual payment, the issue was gone.

To fix this issue, we can add the doPostSave method to the OrderStorage and move the OrderEvents::ORDER_PAID event dispatching to this method. If the OrderEvents::ORDER_PAID is dispatched from the doPostSave method, we can be sure that was finished and order_number and placed fields are filled. But I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to move OrderEvents::ORDER_PAID event dispatching to the doPostSave method.

🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

This issue is related to the \Drupal\commerce\Element\Conditions form element. I have created a parent issue in the commerce module.

🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

I have updated the MR

🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

chizh273 changed the visibility of the branch 3362322-php-8.2-deprecations to active.

🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

chizh273 changed the visibility of the branch 3362322-php-8.2-deprecations to hidden.

🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

I have added the "Shipping information" section to the right column on the order edit page

🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

I have created MR from the last patch and also have added tests.

The "PHPUnit" pipeline job failed because of FunctionalJavascript tests, the new ShipmentLogSubscriberTest was passed successfully

🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

I have updated the core_version_requirement to support D11 and also have updated drupal/commerce to ^2.17 || ^3.

The \Drupal\Tests\commerce_shipstation\Kernel\ShipStationKernelTestBase::$modules was fixed in the 📌 Fix PHPStan and PHPUnit issues Fixed .

There's a problem with tests but we can ignore it as all tests are empty at the moment and the depreciation warnings come from the profile and commerce_shipping modules (config/install/views.view.profiles.yml and config/install/views.view.order_shipments.yml).

🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

chizh273 changed the visibility of the branch 3485865-drupal-10-compatibility to active.

🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

chizh273 changed the visibility of the branch 3485865-drupal-10-compatibility to hidden.

🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

I can't update the MR on the GitLab so here's a new version with resolved merge conflict.

🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

I have updated the logic of getting arguments for checking and, also, updated the PathPluginBaseTest test to cover this change.

🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

chizh273 changed the visibility of the branch 3476898-the-result-summary to active.

🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

chizh273 changed the visibility of the branch 3476898-the-result-summary to hidden.

🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

I have refactored and extended the Drupal.s3fsCors namespace in the PR. Could you review these changes, please?

Also, I have attached separate patches for refactoring and extending.

🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

chizh273 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

I have updated #6 patch to latest module version

🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

I have updated MR to point to 11.x

Also, MR works fine for Drupal 10.3.x. and so in addition, I have added a patch version of this MR for Drupal 10.2.x.

🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

I have created MR with SkipFromRouteParamsInterface interface implementation. Could someone review it, pls?

🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

I have added field to the "Exposed form options" form for media query and added checking this media query before triggering the submit button. Could someone review these changes, pls?

🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

I have added the same composer.json as there is for the 2.x version.

🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

Chizh273 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

I have replaced jQuery.once usage with Drupal once

🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

There's one more PHP 8.2 problem. Dynamic Properties are deprecated in the PHP 8.2.

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\openapi\Controller\OpenApiListController::$openapiUiManager is deprecated in /var/www/html/web/modules/contrib/openapi/src/Controller/OpenApiListController.php on line 32

I have updated PR

🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

Chizh273 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

The #47 has one issue.
If you open the settings of the data export format with enabled warning logging ($config['system.logging']['error_level'] = 'verbose';) you will get a warning "Warning: Undefined array key "metadata" in /var/www/html/web/modules/contrib/views_data_export/src/Plugin/views/style/DataExport.php on line 241".

I have updated the #47 patch to fix this warning.

🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

Also, there's a problem with media_entity_browser.view.js it's not attached anymore and we are not able to select any media.

🇺🇦Ukraine chizh273

Here's a version of this patch for Group 2.x

Production build 0.71.5 2024