- Issue created by @chizh273
- πΊπ¦Ukraine chizh273
chizh273 β changed the visibility of the branch 3476898-the-result-summary to hidden.
- πΊπ¦Ukraine chizh273
chizh273 β changed the visibility of the branch 3476898-the-result-summary to active.
- Merge request !9611Issue #3476898 by chizh273: The "Result summary" has a non-translatable description β (Open) created by chizh273
- Merge request !9613Issue #3476898 by chizh273: The "Result summary" has a non-translatable description β (Open) created by chizh273
- π§π·Brazil kleiton_rodrigues Americana/SP
'@start -- ' . $this->t('the initial record number in the set'), '@end -- ' . $this->t('the last record number in the set'), '@total -- ' . $this->t('the total records in the set'), '@label -- ' . $this->t('the human-readable name of the view'), '@per_page -- ' . $this->t('the number of items per page'), '@current_page -- ' . $this->t('the current page number'), '@current_record_count -- ' . $this->t('the current page record count'), '@page_count -- ' . $this->t('the total page count'),
- π³πΏNew Zealand quietone
Even though this is straightforward, there should be manual testing to prove this works as expected. Adding tag.