🇪🇸Spain @cimo75

Account created on 16 August 2008, over 16 years ago

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🇪🇸Spain cimo75

The solution is to enable the "Show language selector on create and edit pages" checkbox and the block settings, then selecting the proper language on each translation, this seems to work although randomly the created paragraphs are blocked from editing, you have to resave the layout to unblock them.
This seems to be still a bug as there should be no need for an extra language selection, as for any other block with normal fields, the translation should be inferred from the layout context (?).

🇪🇸Spain cimo75

I tried to use custom entities via ECK instead of Paragraphs but the issue is the same, so the problem extends to all kind of entity reference (?)

🇪🇸Spain cimo75

Hallo error persists both in 1.1.0 and dev.

Production build 0.71.5 2024