🇮🇳India @manpreetsingh154

Account created on 19 April 2017, almost 8 years ago

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🇮🇳India manpreetsingh154

I apologies, now i have answered your question.
I just want to build extended version of linkformatter with all attributes.
If i was trying to fields from parent classes those are not working due to condition which is in core getplugin == 'link'

That's why i copied those fields and changed getplugin as per smartlink requirement.

Thank you

🇮🇳India manpreetsingh154

Please let me know if any more changes required to do
Thank you

🇮🇳India manpreetsingh154

I hope you got my concern why i used the linkformatter code. Because i want to extend link formatter functionality with more attributes.

Please confirm what is pending to do in this module.

🇮🇳India manpreetsingh154

Hello @apaderno

I totally agree with you. Actually, I want to create one formatter which have all attribute support for tag that's why i extended the core class and update the another attributes for link in smartlink formatter.

Thank you

🇮🇳India manpreetsingh154

Hello @apaderno

1. I have removed the duplicate code which is already exists in base class linkformatter.
2. I have created the issue and refer in module that issue.

Thank you

🇮🇳India manpreetsingh154

Hello @apaderno

I've eliminated the duplicated code from the link formatter. Instead, I've modified the field's access and addressed the states included by the link formatter. Additionally, I've incorporated the necessary exception handling as per https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3348020 📌 Add logging to LinkFormatter and LinkWidget when the URL is invalid Active

Thank you

🇮🇳India manpreetsingh154

Hello @apaderno

I have applied the all required changes as you mentioned in above comment.
Please review the module.
Thank you

🇮🇳India manpreetsingh154

@vishal I have applied the changes as per Drupal standard code for token service.
Please review

🇮🇳India manpreetsingh154

Hello @vishal
I have fixed those above-mentioned phpcs issues.
Please review

🇮🇳India manpreetsingh154

I have attached the patch to fix this solution.

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