Would adding the "From" header also be in scope for this? Something like ...
// From
$fromRecipients = array_map($converter, $email->getFrom());
if (count($fromRecipients) > 1) {
throw new TransportException('Cannot send a mail from multiple "From" recipients using the Microsoft Graph API.');
if ($fromRecipients) {
dennis_meuwissen → created an issue.
Attached an updated patch that applies to 2.x.
dennis_meuwissen → created an issue.
dennis_meuwissen → created an issue.
I should have been more clear; leaflet/leaflet-drupal is a Drupal library from the leaflet module, not a Composer library.
dennis_meuwissen → created an issue.
We are also running into this problem where we love how editors can build pages with this, but revisions are also a requirement. Here is our current still incomplete patch based on the work from the fork. We are using it exclusively to build the paragraph layouts in a frontend theme so this is untested with editing them inside the backend theme. Content moderation was also not a concern for us, so while the form elements for it are present they have not been tested.
Some observations:
- When editing a revision's layout paragraphs, the current revision will be loaded even though you would expect to edit that same revision. A separate route for editing revisions might make sense here to mirror how this works for editing node revisions.
- The fork code stores the layout paragraphs data in the form state, but it is unclear why. Other parts of layout paragraphs code such as the LayoutParagraphsBuilder element expect it to be available in the tempstore.
- Clearing the revision log message from user input does not work, even when rebuilding the revision form state. We had problems where the previous revision kept being reloaded after saving for reasons still unknown.
Added the validation in the same manner as for the encryption and contact URLs.
We encountered this today after enabling the Purge UI module (where it is normally disabled in this environment), then after using it we uninstalled it. We then got the exact same error as in the original issue, which was very unexpected and led to some unfortunate downtime.
dennis_meuwissen → created an issue.
The patch from #7 erroneously always adds the signature line. Attached patch fixes that.
Embedding images works well with the new email adjuster, except that the adjuster plugin runs before the email is wrapped. Any images from the wrapped HTML (from email-wrap.html.twig) will then not be embedded. Setting the plugin weight to 850 so that it runs after the mailer_wrap_and_convert plugin solves that.
I don't know what bigmoves used, but we used this (hacky) update function:
* Fix up menu_link_content_field_revision tables.
function project_update_9001() {
$db = \Drupal::database();
try {
$db->query("ALTER TABLE menu_link_content_field_revision ADD `link_override__uri` varchar(2048) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The URI of the link.';");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE menu_link_content_field_revision ADD `link_override__title` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The link text.';");
$db->query("ALTER TABLE menu_link_content_field_revision ADD `link_override__options` longblob DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Serialized array of options for the link.';");
} catch (\Exception $e) {}
mcdruid → credited dennis_meuwissen → .
The patch from #11 contains a mistake in line 65, this is probably supposed to be $format ?: $item->format
instead of $format ?? $item->format
. Otherwise leaving the format selector set to Default will use an empty string as the text format, which does not exist and causes a "Missing text format ." in the Drupal logs. And the output of the formatter will be blank. Attached is a patch with that issue fixed.