Account created on 10 June 2015, about 9 years ago

Merge Requests

Recent comments

Hi all, great work here. Especially the addition of "Added widget functionality to all templates" to end the cursor horror.

We were still facing one issue tho and that was the scroll to the bottom of the page after clicking 'Insert'.

I fixed it by adding the following to the insert button: (see commit above)
'disable-refocus' => TRUE

Fixed some weird character formatting of the WIDTH×HEIGHT description.

Thanks for the patch! Functionality wise it was working properly for me (don't forget to update your EB Browser widget with the minimum resolution).

However, I did get the following PHP error/warning (most likely because of Drupal 10/PHP 8.1) on the EB Browser widget config form if you have not set the new config yet:

Deprecated function: explode(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($string) of type string is deprecated in Drupal\dropzonejs_eb_widget\Plugin\EntityBrowser\Widget\DropzoneJsEbWidget->buildConfigurationForm() (line 517 of modules/contrib/dropzonejs/modules/eb_widget/src/Plugin/EntityBrowser/Widget/DropzoneJsEbWidget.php).
Drupal\dropzonejs_eb_widget\Plugin\EntityBrowser\Widget\DropzoneJsEbWidget->buildConfigurationForm(Array, Object) (Line: 135)
Drupal\entity_browser\Form\WidgetsConfig->buildForm(Array, Object)

Therefore I added a small fix to the current patch.
From this:

$min_resolution = explode('x', $configuration['min_resolution']) + ['', ''];

To this:

if (isset($configuration['min_resolution'])) {
  $min_resolution = explode('x', $configuration['min_resolution']) + ['', ''];
else {
  $min_resolution = ['', ''];

In my opinion, this can be moved to RTBC, so also updating the status. Feel free to adjust if needed.

Hereby the patch that solves this issue, succesfully tested on fresh Drupal 10.1.0 & 10.0.8.

Can one of the maintainers re-open this issue as RTBC?

The other patch in does not add the views_infinite_scroll option. So this patch should be committed separatly.

Ckeditor 4 Table of Contents was a custom plugin

Because of the hard requirement of 10.0.0 in this module we could not upgrade to 10.1

I therefor created a fork of the work done here (added patch #7) which can be used till this gets merged to be able to upgrade to Drupal 10.1

To be able to use the fork, add the following to your composer.json repositories:

            "type": "git",
            "url": ""

And run the following command:

composer require drupal/fixed_block_content:dev-3357439-ui-updating-to

Since the "Table of contents" from Ckeditor5 is now a premium feature, I think we can not port this functonality.

To be able to use "Table of contents" in Ckeditor5 you need to have the paid plan and you can use this Drupal module with that:

Added CKEditor Table of Contents

This was caused by an internal patch where we change to and use data-color attribute (we will move this internal patch to the issue queue), so no patch needed here.

To use this issue fork in your project, add this to your composer repositories:

            "type": "git",
            "url": ""

And run the following command:

composer require drupal/ckeditor_mentions:dev-3309677-ckeditor-mentions-compatible

Hi all, moved the work done by @webflo to an issue fork:

I added the javascript from tarball to the fork (and changed the library path):

npm view @ckeditor/ckeditor5-mention
=> unpack dist.tarball url

Added it in js/ckeditor5_plugins/mention.js

However the mention.js gave an error on line 254:
if (!n.canEditAt(a)) return;
So commented that out for now (which does not seem to break anything).

We also had errors with deprecated EventDispatcher, therefor we changed:
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Event;
use Drupal\Component\EventDispatcher\Event;

After these minor tweaks we managed to get this working locally:

We used to have avatars in the mentions, but that stopped working unfortunatly, not sure why yet.

Drupal core version used: 10.0.9

This might also be the right time to bump this work to a major 3.x version and clean up:

  • src/CKEditorMentionEvent.php
  • src/CKEditorMentionSuggestionEvent.php

Created a patch which makes the "Link override" field manageable in menu "Manage form display"

Had the same issue, the patch fixed it. RTBC in my opinion.

The merge request from @sebastian-hagens fixed the issues for us.

However the merge request did not apply for 3.x or 3.0.1, so we applied the fork via composer.

Add the following to your composer.json "repositories":

            "type": "git",
            "url": ""

And run:

composer require drupal/rate:dev-3331890--entity-queries

In my opinion this is RTBC.

In latest version 2.0.2 for Drupal 10, this patch/fix did not work properly anymore.

Hereby a rerolled patch which should apply to 2.0.2 and fix the issue:

In case you need to upgrade to Drupal 10, you can use the fork/MR created above. I added the patch from #2 to it.

Add the following to your composer.json repositories:

            "type": "package",
            "package": {
                "name": "drupal/simple_oauth_fallback_header",
                "version": "1.x-dev",
                "type": "drupal-module",
                "source": {
                    "type": "git",
                    "url": "",
                    "reference": "ab00319d4e510c2076e7dcf8c3df3fdbd85473ad"

And run the following command:

composer require drupal/simple_oauth_fallback_header

In case you need to upgrade to Drupal 10, you can use the fork/MR created above. I added the patch from #10 to it.

Add the following to your composer.json repositories:

            "type": "package",
            "package": {
                "name": "drupal/content_type_clone",
                "version": "1.x-dev",
                "type": "drupal-module",
                "source": {
                    "type": "git",
                    "url": "",
                    "reference": "2e5f125152b18208204b8b7527818137972e86bf"

And run the following command:

composer require drupal/content_type_clone

In case you need to upgrade to Drupal 10, you can use the fork created above.

Add the following to your composer.json repositories:

            "type": "package",
            "package": {
                "name": "drupal/field_image_style",
                "version": "1.x-dev",
                "type": "drupal-module",
                "source": {
                    "type": "git",
                    "url": "",
                    "reference": "dada1204ce97d00001f6fd607f0991f6e86213a3"

And run the following command:

composer require drupal/field_image_style

Successfully tested the above MR/fork & the deprecation error, in my opinion this is RTBC.

@ajeet_kumar Your patch has way more changes than needed.

To have Drupal 10 compatibility (to at least upgrade to it), you can use the existing fork that Lukey created above:

The fork can be used by adding this to your composer.json repositories:

            "type": "package",
            "package": {
                "name": "drupal/ckeditor_templates",
                "version": "1.x-dev",
                "type": "drupal-module",
                "source": {
                    "type": "git",
                    "url": "",
                    "reference": "567b63b96949f625ed6aa00af9385e1e59c971f5"

And run the following command:

composer require drupal/ckeditor_templates

Created the above fork/MR which can be used to at least upgrade to Drupal 10.
Ckeditor 5 support is addressed in other issue: CKEditor mentions compatible with CKEditor 5 Fixed

The fork can be used by adding this to your composer.json repositories:

            "type": "package",
            "package": {
                "name": "drupal/ckeditor_mentions",
                "version": "2.x-dev",
                "type": "drupal-module",
                "source": {
                    "type": "git",
                    "url": "",
                    "reference": "0395614e333d82a4aa1bcc78c8e814858227b77c"

And run the following command:

composer require drupal/ckeditor_mentions

'Cloning and commiting code to an issue fork' was linking to nothing.

Hereby the patch from

Let's be sure to give credit to original creator of patch @seyfettinkahveci

We had the same issue and the patch provided fixed the issue for us, thanks @andrewmriv!

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