I hope this will help, for Drupal 10.3.5.
As I was removing a block from in the builder layout, I've realised that the inline_block_usage register was still here with the values of the node inside the layout_entity_type and layout_entity_id columns.
But the removeByLayoutEntity() function should replace the values by null.
And the layout_builder_cron() didn't remove the orphan non-rusable related blocK.
First of all, I think there is a mistake inside the function removeByLayoutEntity():
the last queryCondition should find the block_content_id and not the layout_entity_id, because the only parameter we get is the block_content $entity, and not the parent node.
When this issue is fixed, the layout_builder_cron() remove the related non reusable block_content.
Writing soon to propose the fix :-)
Thank you @sourav_paul,
I will have time to test at the end of the day and let you know.
frondeau → created an issue.
My patch is not working, only on local and I don't know why. Please don't use it.
Since Drupal 10.3, the patch
2999491--reusable-title-display--56 →
haven't been working any more.
I'm posting a new solution.
Hello @ericpoir,
Thank you for your first patch (
3486195-46.patch →
) which seams to suit to my use case, when running drush updb after updating to Drupal 10.3.10: the messages at the end of updb is "
[error] Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Exception\BadRequestException: Invalid URI: A URI must not start nor end with ASCII control characters or spaces. in Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request::create() (line 365 of /var/www/html/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/Request.php).
frondeau → created an issue.
frondeau → created an issue.
Thank you @bletch and @fwrdeu's for this usefull module.
I'm facing the same issue as Yury N.
As the key is built with multiple fields, it could be interesting to check if the record is existing before inserting the new one.
In the same way, after deleting a record in an entity, we should check if the media is still existing or not in the entity.
If it's still existing then would should re-insert it.
I'm encountering the same issue on la site.localhot with Drupal 10.2.6, on Google Chrome, as my third part cookies are configured in the browser as not alloed in the private session only.
The current path is well applied on my local and I can log, but the /admin path is not allowed while my profile is an administrator role.
So please take care: this patch can't solve all the cases.
FYI: I can log on Firefox.
So it's a strange issue, maybe encontered only on google chrome, isn't it ?
This issue is solved by the patch → in the issue 3384852 🐛 Ajax Pager broken after upgrade 10.0.9 to 10.1.2 Needs work
I was facing an issue on an ajax view pager, and the combo filter exposed weren't working, on Drupal 10.2.3.
The comment
Ajax Pager broken after upgrade 10.0.9 to 10.1.2
Needs work
solved the issue.
I had opened an issue about the whole issue:
duplicated issue
Views ajax exposed filter works only once
Closed: cannot reproduce
Now it works.
Thanks all.
Replace the old link by https://developer.wordpress.org/block-editor/contributors/design/ to reach the designers handbook
Hello the statistics team,
Will the new module set some more details as dates, referrers?
Where can I read the specifications?
Closing this issue, which is not in the core but probably in a module.
Will be copied i' the concerned contribution module if retrieved.
It doesn't work with Ajax Views project.
So I've tested with UMAMI demo and couldn't reproduce the issue.
Now I'm testing with The module Better Exposed Filters in simplytest.me. The combo seems to work here.
Hello @cilefen,
Trying to use https://simplytest.me: I can choose the project name in the autocomplete input, but not the branch in the combo box :-(.
Is there a bug here too?
frondeau → created an issue.
frondeau → created an issue.
After investigation, the solution is fixed in version 3.0.15
frondeau → created an issue.
Ckeditor_font is working on ckeditor5 on Drupal 10.
I've experimented the latest version it on a website. It's working well.
Hello, thanks for your feedback.
For Drupal 10, please use ckeditor_font instead, as it is migrated.
I agree with you to avoid the comment ot include "OVH" term but this solution could be added as comment with a title of type "In case of ContentLength issue"
As a comment, it could provide a direct solution for the developers.
Hi all,
thank you to have reported the solution @lonwave.
Your proposition Header always unset Content-Length
in your comment
Incorrect content-length header breaks HTTP/2 with net::err_http2_protocol_error
is working for me on Drupal 10.2.2.
Hi all,
Before adding logs in Drupal 10.2.2, I've created another migration with Drupal 10.1.8.
This version seems to work well at first sight:
- no message in the console
- JS are working
- No errors in dblog
Some functional tests will follow to confirm, but it is promising as this.
How can we solve the error "Failed to load resource: net::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR
" version 10.2.2 ?
Thanks for your answer, @alexpott,
I'll prepare some debug messages to check the ContentLenght handle and give a feedback on the conversation..
Hi @catch, @cilefen,
I've removed the aggregation of css/js.
- On the authenticated as admin on BO, JS and CSS are applied, there's no error message in the console.
- On anonymous session, the message "
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR
" is still displayed on the document file.
FYI, I've already tested the front theme with Claro and the message is displayed too.
after having applyed the patch, cleared the browsers cache, cleared Drupal caches, the issue is still the same, on the document: "Failed to load resource: net::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR
Document Content-Leght: 138720
Content-Encoding: gzip
Additional information:
On the first page load, the error is displayed on css_* and js_* and document.
On the second page reload: the message is displayed only on document while all the assets are loaded from memory.
Hi @catch,
Thank you for your MR.
I can't test this MR as it is pull from 11.x.
But I could test if you create a MR on 10.2.2, on a real website.
Would you have any time to repeat it on this version, please ?
Thank you by advance.
Thank you for your feedback @longwave, I guess the subject is Content-Length too.
About the link you're sharing, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58215104/whats-the-neterr-http2-protocol-error-about, many answers are talking about the environment size and the cpu, but in my case, the website is about 2% of the disk size, and the memory is not full used neither.
As the error message is about HTTP/2, it seems to be due to the protocol, so maybe the answer would be about the header, woudn't it ?
Hello all,
Thank you for your feed backs, I fell less alone ;-)
I can confirm that there is a difference between D9 and D10.2.2 as there is a Content-Length in the header, reporting the file size.
It' seems that in my case, the docment has a size of 32KB.
All the other files are loaded from memory (0KB) or heavy less equals 5.5KB.
Is Content-Length usefull ?
If so, what would happen if the code set it to -1?
Thanks by advance.
Hello @Cilefen,
Thank you for your feedback.
Which pages would reply to my issue, please, ?
Would you post the concerned urls ?
Thank you by advance,
For CKEDITOR 5 Please go to https://www.drupal.org/project/ckeditor5_font/issues/3406699#comment-15424314 🐛 ckeditor_font not proposing font size and and font family buttons Active .
I've proposed a patch to add Font size and family, working on Drupal 9.5.11.
Not tested on Drupal 10.
frondeau → created an issue.
This is a custom module proposition, before we could add this evolution to ckeditor5_font.
I hope it will help.
Hello,would any of the maintainers, allow me to create fork so that I could propose an evolution to the module, please ?
- font-family
- font-size
Otherwise, I will create my own custom module...
Thank you by advance.
Hello all,
I've upgraded the module to set font family and font size.
I'm going to propose it on a fork.
Please wait a small delay ;-)
I've read the previous comments of the current discussion and I would like to know: as this module is named ckeditor5_font, corresponding to the ckeditor_font for the ckeditor 4, and the previous ckeditor_font was proposing font size, font family, text color, background color, why the well named ckeditor5_font proposes only text color and background color ?
I mean, if only colors are set, shouldn't it be named ckeditor5_color ? or ckeditor5_text_color ? As ckeditor5_font would set font family and font size ?
It's a bit confusing as it is named like the ckeditor4_font but don't provide the same service.
On Drupal 9.5.11,
I was looking for a patch to solve the CKEDITOR5 image upload.
I've applied the first patch,
https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2023-09-20/3328277-ckeditor5-upload-image.patch →
- with my user profile, administration language, on a choosen language
: the patch won't work. - with my user profile, administration language, on a choosen language
: it is working, as it is without this patch.
So this patch may fix a bug but not the concerned one (CKEDITOR5 Images upload).
Sorry to fix this conversation but I think it is important to add this detail.
thank you for your answers. Maybe this module name does not explain what it does.
As it's changes test and background color, why don't you call it ckeditor5_color ?
There's no existing module with this name in the contribution modules of Drupal.
Thanks you so much sidharth_soman,
The module is well enabling now.
frondeau → created an issue.
frondeau → created an issue.
Would you add the information that https://www.drupal.org/project/ckeditor_font → is replaced by https://www.drupal.org/project/ckeditor5_font → ?
This module must be manually installed via composer.
frondeau → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Hello all.
Shouldn't this issue be closed as it is over its own timeout ?
This means that this action is not ready to be executed.
What are we waiting for to begin the general process ?
Thank you all @drumm and @BramDriesen.
It's funny to see that my duplicated issue is newer than the original one which suggest an age of 12 months is still open. Shouldn't it be closed as it is over its own timeout ?
This means that this action is not ready to be executed.
What are we waiting for ?
frondeau → created an issue.
Is UI still a topic to involve the default_content module ?
If not, we could close this ticket.
Is the question still actual ?
If so, which information should be cleanble in the file info ?
I know that this question is old now but I think we could answer to it: how do we use drush dcem
with node nids ? I can remember we can hoose the content we want to generate by the id.
Hi the default_content team,
As there's no more feedback on this ticket for 6 years, and it seems that the dates values are depending on the website configuration and not the code, I propose to close it.
As there is no more feedback on this ticket, and it seems that the duplicated ticket
Issue 2687075 →
is solved, I propose to close it.
Hello commonpike,
Is this issue functionally fixed on your side ? If so, can you explain the way you've fixed the issue and turn this issue as solved ?
If not, can you explain if:
- when exporting:the json files contain exported content in nodes, and related entities ?
- when installing the profile the bundles are created ? nodes related bundles: paragraphs, blocks ...
There might be some special configuration or relations on your project.
frondeau → created an issue.
Thanks for the fix, @daniel_j
Hi all,
Thank you
Myha →
for the patch
https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2022-09-23/recaptcha_protection_broken_withajax_patch-3296032-5.patch →
. It's working well in my use case.
I agree with
W01f →
A README.md file should exist for this technical module.
This module is using shortcuts module to create contextual shortcuts for the concerned nodes.
Only one route is set to create the concerned shortcut. The way to use it is a bit reversed as we don't know at once how to reach the configuration form.
These are the steps I've followed for my first structured data:
STEP 1: Get the url node id you want to add the structured data to.
ID example: 226.
STEP 2: use the default url from the one routing like this
route path is: /structured_data/page/json/{sd_route_name}/{sd_url}/{sd_bundle}/{sd_entity_id}
execute the url /structured_data/page/json/{sd_route_name}/{sd_url}/node/226
This url will open a config form with the parameters above
STEP 3: in the displayed form, replace the unkknown parameters{sd_route_name} and {sd_url} by :
sd_route_name -> node-226.structured-data (as an example)
sd_url ->
Fill the Json Ld field.
STEP 4: display the concerned node as a contributor with the related permission or as an administrator
Watch in the shortcuts location: "Json-ld" that will get back to the node JSON-LD.
Hi and thank you @flocondetoile.
Fatal error on Drupal 9 : Call to undefined method WebformSubmissionSubmittedToLabel::getEntityTypeManager()
patch worked for me on 5.1.0 webform_views version.
frondeau → created an issue.
I think that "force" option is the check-bos that appears in alias section of node edition... But it needs investigation.
If so, this can't be manually forced in bulk update so the option should be true as default value, or not checked in bulk update, or as parameter...
And how to manage with $entity->path->pathauto value ?
In my website example, there was no imported node.
frondeau → created an issue.
Proposed patch to fix:
- PHP error of this issue title.
- Control on $entity_clone instanciation class:
- EntityInterface when entity_clone module is enabled,
- BlockContent when entity_clone is uninstalled.
frondeau → created an issue.