- Issue created by @frondeau
- Merge request !3Issue #3494056: ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function... → (Closed) created by sourav_paul
- 🇮🇳India sourav_paul Kolkata
@frondeau I've fixed the issue.
Could you please test & verify the mr from your end...Thanks...
- 🇫🇷France frondeau Nantes, FRANCE
Thank you @sourav_paul,
I will have time to test at the end of the day and let you know. -
andrew answer →
committed 59d4db0a on 1.0.x
Fix #3494056: see https://www.drupal.org/node/3404140
andrew answer →
committed 59d4db0a on 1.0.x
- 🇷🇺Russia Andrew Answer Novosibirsk
Thanks to @sourav_paul for fixing this. Releasing fixed version v1.0.2.
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.